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27 June, 2008

Weeee~ Just back from the trip =D

Let the pictures show you how nice the trip was =]

Day 1

7.15am- Started our journey

I brought it along all the way to Terengganu =D LOL

9.00am- Reached Karak Town and had breakfast here

Ate DimSum... All these came without us ordering them LOL
11.00am- Continued our journey and reached here--- "Kawasan Rehat"

and snapped few picts here =D

12.15pm- Reached the resorts =D checked it... get into the room...

snapped picts wif Mum on the bed... We had two queen-sized beds here =D

I snapped it from the window of our room =D Can see the entire place from the room!!

1.00pm- Wandering around After unpacking our stuff, we came down to the lobby.

And here's the giant congkak =D

Played with these atap rumbia xD
I don't really get the meaning of the joke LOL =.="
Weee~ I love dolphins... =D
I found this sigh board funny actually... LOL what on Earth is wrong with durians? hehes
1.30pm- We went to a restaurant across the street for lunch. Food there was abit cheaper than those in hotels... And each of us had a stuff crab--- there was crabmeat inside this cute shell xD
___After finishing it xD
Ate moomoo ice-cream after lunch xD
3.00pm - Came back. It's the gate of the spa entrance!!!
D.I.Y. batik =D she was painting nice...
Mum bought this. RM40. For me. I didn't know anything =X =X
4.45pm- Went to outdoors after cleaning ourselves =D Just for sight-seeing now...

Tingting {not sure with the spelling}

LOL gigantic snake and ladder =D

Looks like gergasi dam ular in Saujana and our school's Teacher's Day
Beachy look xD not bitchy look LOL!!!

One family =D


Lalala~ sitting on it without driving =X

SiStaZ ^^

Sitting at the banana plantation area =D

I look too tiny? LOL

6.30pm- Dinner time!!! It's crabbbbbbyyyy!!! Hehes... sweet + sour crab

Justin called me up, asking to chat. About something private LOL!!! But I just managed to chat with him for awhile coz' my parents were looking at me because I was still on the phone when they were eating =.="
Studio One = karaoke!!! BUT only 18s and above are allowed ...duh...
Luxurious stairs to the ballroom LOL

8.30pm- Went to the souvenit shop =X Bought these two items... The one above= RM 13.90, bottom= RM 8.90. Didn't manage to get anything for guys and gurls, because things here were costly. I couldn't afford to buy for so many people T_T soweeeee... But still Vivi, there's food for u =D

Ermmmm ermmmm... I think I can only update Day1 now... Will update Day2 + Day3 tomorrow or someday sooooooon =D because blogger is working slow now =X =X

and I am sleepy T_T enjoy my trip =D LOL

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