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24 August, 2008

^^饥饿 30
30 hour Famine~

Maiii receipt--- “ticket” to go into the stadium

Freebies~ except for the fan--- RM3 each. The T-shirt looks like kids’ wear LOL

光良 visited the unfortunate’ homes~ *{{{ Cute ponies~

Cute mushroooooms there^^

The artist was drawing some artwork on her face (:
I want it too!!
But please draw on my hand, not face =/
During ice-breaking game, our newly-formed “group” won a bag of gifts, from the hand of 叶剑峰

Cheerleadings~ Long time never see before jorrrr....
嗨!Garyyyyy 叶俊岑~
John 黄俊源~ Looks nicer with new haristyle =X=X
Duet with Des^^ English song!
Des + Deborah~
Guess who? Yeaaaa Daniel~ 李吉汉
^^ Tate~
Nice clothes + Nice people? xD xD
Yise^^ 罗忆诗
200 balloons !! In the air~
Michael + Kids~
The nicest picture I could take of his~
Let's countdown together~

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