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06 October, 2008

Exam fiesta~
Going to start tomorrow~
From 7 Oct to 23 Oct…

Jiayouuu everyone in answering the exam questions~
Meniru amat digalakkan xD…
Joking niaa k? =X I don’t do that…

Happy Birthday wish to:

5 Oct ~Kuan Haur {{cute 16

7 Oct ~Carolyn ♥♥♥ {{gorgeous 16

7 Oct ~Brandon {{princely 16

8 Oct ~Zie Yie {{pretty 16

15 Oct ~Wai Lam {{grown-up 18

16 Oct ~Chee Kuan ♥♥♥ {{maturing 16

16 Oct ~Wei Lee {{sweet 16

17 Oct ~Mei Keit {{fabulous 18

19 Oct ~Jen Hoe {{obedient 16

19 Oct ~Shee Chien {{fearless 17

23 Oct ~Wai Bin {{playful 19

23 Oct ~Kien Kok {{hottie 17

Happyyyyy Birthdaee October babeeees…..
*Sorry for not celebrating with you…

Not to forget,

24 Oct ~HSM 3, on cinema =D

*I just can’t wait

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