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08 November, 2008

___The last day of school...
Start to miss the school xDD

Something happens...
Everyone of you knows bout it.
Except me.
How stupid.

*The third present I get
Thanks for the pink gift :)
I promise, we will be friends always___

Went shopping at noon =DD
♥♥♥ with Kei Yan and Chin Thong

*Bought this for Sis :)
Her birthday is right after mine... ♥♥♥

Night time =DD
庆功会 !!!
Just for Librarian Annual Dinner AJKs xDD
Too bad, KhuanJin and JunWon couldn't join us :(
I ate alot xDD,
but Chin Thong seemed to have a small appetite o.O
__How ridiculous__

Kei Yan's masterpiece :)

World War II between ViVi and BoonPin
=DD great fight xDD
We were super high that time LOL =Xx
Wah Jie--- giving her speech
Before we 'yam singgggggggggg'
*I didn't notice if you are looking at us LOL
And the most significant thing happened is...
that Vivian confessed that she likes *him xDD
If you want, get the video from me or Kei Yan
--- the video bout her telling this truth xDD
♥♥♥ Credits to Kei Yan for video-ing xDD
Thanks gurlz and guyz, I had a great meal today ^^
thou' the food is only mamadei = = LOL

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