As this year comes to an end
I look back to how it began
It started out cold and slow
Then the year started to grow
With days so hot I thought I'd die
With history making news, and news to make me cry
A new life like none other before
The hurts that would just soar, and soar
I say good- bye to this year we have had…
And hope for a year that is truly rad!

*What comes around goes around.
Since the year has come to an end, we shall not waste time drooling over the things of 2008. Letting go is always the best choice in order to lead a better life in 2009.
I guess next year, which would drastically be our LAST year in high school, would be more dramatic than anyone can ever imagine. I mean, we have so many things to deal with next year. and there are still people with their sick individual opinions that collide with one another. Nothing diminished. Self obssesed, they want everything to go their way, and never bother to fake a single thing on Earth. BUT we will always stay strong together :) How childish, high school play.
CHEERS guys. Heres to, a new brighter year full of hope, joy, and laughters to embrace.

we shall not waste time drooling over the things of 2008.