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19 April, 2009

Hari Anugerah Cemerlang

Venue: SMK BBSP school hall
Time: 8.30 – 10.30 a.m.

*The stage has got a NEW image, if you notice (:

*Started with the dance =D

Luckily the boring speeches were not the first event to go = =

*New Yang Dipertua?? = =
Macam tak pernah nampak dia je...

*Look stupid eh?
I don't know why they took my silly picture of just standing there =X

*Our VERY polite Mr. Monitor =D !!

Look! Kwan Yew and Sanji were _____ =X

*This photo is specially taken for Fung Soon xD!!

*The Chinese poem (:

*Ling! With my blazer = =
SPM achievers only receive RM15 per 'A' they get,
compared to last year which RM20 is rewarded per subject with 'A'.
Stingy school! xD

*Ah Soo became 'prefect' too xD

*The End*

I know it is saddening to look at the photographs of the day. It is soooooo difficult for me to choose beautiful ones ):
No pictures of the Yang Dipertua PIBG coming into the hall [NONE at all??].
Not many CLEAR pictures.
Not many pictures of Yang Dipertua giving certs and prizes to students and teachers.There are loads of photos students and teachers standing like WOOD at the side of the stage [What are these??]
*Sorry to hear that you lost your camera. Still, Hope you do better next time (:

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