The landmarks of the military centre :)
On the way while sitting in Pn. Lee's Saga, we passed by lots of army camps along the road and everyone there was busy marching and doing morning jogs. The insight in me told me that I would surely have to do these activities in NS camp next time!

There we were =D. Even the wordings look better here!
The place is really breathtaking, as there are woodlands, spacious fields, amazing halls, etc everywhere. And on top of everything, I saw GREENs again! This camp is specially meant for the armies and soldiers to be trained, and of course for higher secondary education purpose too. Largelargelarge, I bet it is much larger than Sis' ex-university, UKM!
Opps sorry Serena. I didn't know that you suddenly appeared in the photo.
The red-roofed building on the left is actually a library. I didn't go into the library but the boys in MTD told me bout it. It was four-storey tall, much well-equipped than our school's one. Whereas the stairs on the right show a LONG way to walk right? The buildings on top of the sloppy hills are the hostel for the students here. Wherever they go, they HAVE TO walk down this staircase, kesiannnn...
Enough mentioning the environment there (: Now let's proceed to the ambience!
Green. Yellow. Red. A total reverse of the traffic light!
The stage is awesome (: Better-looking than the one in MBS during the CBD =xX.
Para putera Maktab Tentera Diraja.
Attired in green, they are referred as "putera" [which means prince] instead of "pelajar". The seminar is exactly a one-to-one session, which means one putera will handle one invited student.
Students of MTD are NOT army, please don't get mistaken. They are also Form 5 students like us who are sitting for SPM this year. Of course, they are not ordinary Malay boys like those in our school. Those of SMKBBSP are incorrigible, but these in MTD are awesome! Not referring to their look please = =" They are all high achievers in school; one in my group never even fails to get 90+ in History before! MTD scholars who fail to get at least 6A and 1B in exams will be expelled! If our school practise such law, can you imagine how many people would be expelled? :O
One of the speakers today (: I am just interested in his waist-length xD
The elegant lady in blue (:
She is the person who writes a lot of History book in the market. If you have any History book at home, do look for her name- Pn. Masariah Mispari. She didn't really give much tips on History answering technics but her book is really good! Aizat who owns the book showed me how marvellous is her book (:
Look! The yellow book on the left belongs to Pn. Masariah.
The yellow book on the right is exactly same like the one I had been working on for days, except that it is yellow-covered, while mine is white. The "II" sign shows that we [Pei Ling, Aliya, Serena and I] are in Group 2 by the way.
Why did I keep mentioning this name? Well, he is my facilitator, which means he is my teacher today! :) Yes, he is 17 like me, BUT he is far better than me in studies! He explains History facts to me one by one, chapter by chapter, smoothly without looking to any book!
The one on the left is Aizat :) And the right one is his friend, Haafiq who is Peiling's facilitator.
Basically he taught me halfway only and we continued chatting bout his strict hostel life, my school, my librarian job, his hometown, cocurricular activities and all sorts of stuff. LOL! We were just bored (: And I wanted to take picture with him, but he kept saying "Malu-lahh". = = I bet he is a shy person.
They are Form 4 students who just joined MTD.
They are marching? YES.
Exchanged e-mails. Luckily I didn't give out my phone number xD
:D Thanks Sis for showing me this event posted in Facebook.
Thanks God that we don't have to WIN a ticket.

2 FREE tickets from her friend,
and I have to cancel my plan of going to Bon Odori.
I promised so many people that I would be going to that event in Shah Alam,
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