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27 July, 2009

RHB-The Star Mighty Minds Federal Territory state challenge 2009

26 July 2009, Sunday :) I was too exhausted to update anything here yesterday.


It happened early in the morning yesterday. I received Vivi’s good-luck wish in the midst of night. Woke up at 6.30 in the morning on a Sunday like any other normal schooling day. And had breakfast at home, stuffed in the creamy croissant into my mouth because I had not enough time [again = =]. Oh was attired in school uniform on a Sunday T_______________T people looked at me with *unusual stares*

It was she with the only son :)
They look really alike, seriously!

Being the teacher in-charge, Pn. Jowana told us to meet her up at Bukit Jalil LRT station at 7.45 a.m. but she herself was late =X.

JJ promised to type our names into the space on the cert, hopefully she would do it

The event was held at Times Square. We walked there under the rain from Hang Tuah station. Oh the picture of her family was blurring, so I didn’t manage to post it here. Pn. Jowana, the husband and the son came along with us.

Two groups of us went there: Ying Xing, Glory and Yeewen were in one team, while Sookkuan, Cheekuan and I were in another. We reached at 8++ I guessed--- didn’t really look at the time. We were given a notebook each, with identification sticker and a participating certificate.

We were placed into the second 60 teams, which meant we had to wait till 11.30a.m. to start. *yawn* sort of got conned by JJ though =X. It was too early that none of the shops was opened yet.

Oh finally the picture of the hubby and son appear here!
They woke up so early to accompany us too :)

The newly invented banana phone xD!
Mel, please grab this, I know you love’ it!

We sat on the comfy sofas at Sweet Chat Café and did sort of silly things. RM1 from 7-eleven--- The banana was HUGE. I have never eaten such big fat yellow thing before =X.

It really looked like those fake banana toy = =” No, it is really REAL. JJ bought these for us, in the sense of banana was a energy-boosting fruit. Thanks darlinggg teacher!

But we played with that instead of eating =X

Not only that, she also got us buns and mini crackers. Everything was from 7-Eleven, as it was the only and one food stall opened. After the banana meal, the organizer provided each of us with a Sausage McMuffin and a piece of hash brown, yeaps these were all FREE!

Nicholson came to support her Sis too! But he sort of glued with JJ’s son and I during the event of the day. He is so cute ! The only thing I don’t like bout him is that he is almost taller than me T____________T

60 teams ; 180 people

It was finally our turn. 20 objective questions and they were much tougher than other states' ones, how unfair ): Awww, the mighty boys in front of us were extremely intelligent!

Oh I was lucky to have two sausages instead of one (:

After our brains had worn out, we were given a packet of RasaMas lunch box each. Hungry. Munched everything hungrily xD! After all, the event only lasted for 6 hours and we were already given two meals, not bad right? x)

I was upstairs, shopping. Snapping from the top angle.

The top 15 teams out of 60 would compete for the next round, and this time it would be practical time! Invent an object [given the title] by using materials like paper, tapes, scissors etc. Really not easy!

Guess what, our group was at the ranking of number 17! Two more places to go and we would be able to go for the next round :) But nevermind, at least I could leave LG floor earlier and shop there!

F.O.S. ; Am into colorful stuff recently!

I bought another piece of top yesterday. And a piece of coat and leggings on Saturday, just to match with one of the tops I bought on Friday.

:O I spent RM 200 in 3 days!
*BYE* The pocket money flew ):

Oh NO! The pimple popped out again!
I promise I would get the Nexcare product asap.

Reached home around 5 p.m. and headed to Boon Pin's house at 6.20 p.m. Just one and a half hour at home for interval, and I had not enough time to rest yesterday, that's why I just slept whole afternoon today =X.

The birthday party was terrifying =X!
Boon Pin shouldn't have asked me go.

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