Did I tell you guys that my Sis had just gone for Influenza A confirmatory test? Luckily the result is negative! Or else I would be “quarantined” or in a harsh way, locked in a separated room at home for a whole week!
Dad was on leave to get Sis to the clinic for that particular test, so Dad was idle for the whole day :D Weeeeee~ Oh I needed him to fetch me to the tuition centre that day earlier than usual. The class would start at 2.30pm but I told him I needed to reach there by 1pm :X
I had to meet up Jen Hoe there and then to have lunch with Louis after that. We tried asking Jen Hoe for so so so so so many times to join us for lunch, but he refused ): Bad! :X
I finally reached Popular Bookstore at 1.15p.m. [or few minutes more than that?] Sorry people for keeping you guys waiting! Oh I felt sorry for Danson, because he just came to accompany Jen Hoe but has had to wait for so long with him.
1.30pm ; Headed to Central Market with Louis. To be frank, after going for tuition classes at PTK for so many years, I have not been to The Kopitiam at Central Market for lunch before. Farah always wanted to go with me during recess time, but in just half an hour, we just couldn’t make it ):

The kampong-styled fried rice ; His.
It was super dry, and tasted really not good at all
Aww… I felt like I was talking there loudly :X Yea, that’s the noisy FiSh when I was in a good mood. Since it is both our first time paying a visit to this restaurant, he didn’t really blame me for the poor quality of food.

My lunch ; The blueberry toast
Oh and this… Bad reviews about this too :X Out of so many kopitiams I’ve visited, I still preferred the one at Sri Petaling. They always serve delicious food (:
I always love dessert instead of drinks, unless I needed to quench my thirst badly. It looked beautiful, and sweet delicacies always make me feel happier :D
We went to different classes after the meal. And… Met Vivian at 3.40pm [interval time]. Oh she brought me these! I knew that he just bought this and passed the gifts to Vivian before she came to PTK.

The lovely teddy that looks happy, but… you would never know what it thinks in its heart.
Hahas. Vivian gave bad comments to him as usual, saying that I already had plenty of teddies at home and why on Earth did he still buy teddy bear for me.
To correct this statement, I should admit that yes, I have a lot of bearbear at home, BUT each and every one resembles different occasions at different times. I still have the first teddy from JustinQ for example. Then… lots lots lots more (:

And the bracelet ; straps are popular nowadays huh?
I’d love this, but I am afraid that it gets dirty when I wear it outside T______T. It should be kept in a proper place so that it really doesn’t get dirty. And I heart the little fish hanging at the buckle of the strap! (:

Vivian ; Chee Kuan ; I
Before going home from classes, we managed to take a photograph at Popular Bookstore with the animal plushies xD. Had a great day (: Hope to always see a smile on your face everyday~
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