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20 August, 2009

The lovely Thursday...
Happy Birthday, Nadrew Chong Jia Ying!

5G ; The present ones today:

Boys: Faiz, Zainul, Danish, Kwanyew, Amir, Wenglord
Girls: Hasliya, Farah, I, Keiyan, Sockkwan, Mayyen

For the first time, we have the same number of girls and boys in class. Other Form5s are having Chinese exam, while we have nothing to do for the whole day. Too many people in my class are absent due to the spread of news about the H1N1 case in the school. And that’s why the school seems to have a sombre look today ):

Babymina, get well soon too!

It was supposed to be a duet (:

The singing competition falls on tomorrow, hope that 5 Gigihians can come and support our representatives, the macho Zainul and sexy Hasliya xD! Hope it would turn out great in school tomorrow, and all the best to 5F too!

I sat at the left corner beside the stage, pretending as if I was a P.A. member xD. And found this! ---The scoring scheme of the singing competition (: Perhaps it would help you guys tomorrow!

Darling MeiiiMeiii was upset, anyone could cheer her up?

I skipped 4 periods of Maths and Malay classes [It was not Addmaths, Keith] after recess (: Staying in the APD room with Meii, Berber, Leon, Yonghan and Kit, we only chatted, playing with the camera and daydreaming for hours = = What a waste of time! Yes I know =X

=Xxxx Leon was trying to take off his clothes in front of the girls.
Sigh… I knew he has a very beautiful body shape, that’s why he wanted to show us xD

By the president of the club ; Please abolish this rule =X

Had lunch with Keith and Jian Ni at school, sorry… I actually didn’t feel like eating that time. And suddenly Ms. Liew appeared, grumbling about how the afternoon session teacher informed us about the event going on at the last minute. Luckily, photographers were available (: And headed to the hall for the patriotic song singing competition of the afternoon session.

I hate it when all the pictures I took of him were blurred.
Especially when he told me not to take his pictures.
决不能偷拍他 ):
Now that I know it is a tough job of doing PA ):

Solo singing time! The voice was awesome… and he looked very alike with Zainul!!!

PB class ; Look at the girl, most left in the first row.

“Merahmu bara semangat waja, putihmu bersih budi pekerti…”
All of them do not show any patriotism when singing and finally everyone ended up being scolded by Pn. Zaharah--- including me! [“Senyap!”, she shouted because I love talking too much]

Finally went home around 3p.m. Didn't know how to describe the journey home. It was... indescribable! And... I was still unsure with what I was doing. Please tell me if it is a right thing ):

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