Let me show you the path to heaven
We love showing our backsides! xD …these look WHITE right?
♥ My sweetheart ; The lightray is eating my side away x)
___Monday ; A blue one___

Keith’s masterpiece (: I am proud of you!
“Blue Monday”, I always come across this phrase when reading my childhood storybooks. And today this is exactly how I feel with the howling noise of the strong wind I heard behind the droplets from heaven.
The class is always about the complaints, books, homework and the missing-in-actions. *yawn* Sort of bored of it too :X

Low efficiency; that’s why…
It is already August and now only the teachers can get their ‘family’ photo. It reminds me of how quickly time flies. Soon I will be referred as a school leaver--- am no longer a photographer of the school. And… how bout the team? Who is the best one to shoulder the responsibility? :( Should he really continue my job when he has so many things up to?
I am sorry for making you sad ):

This coming weekend :
Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival (KLPF)
Got this information form Kangaroo, and wanted to go with her.
But she is going with her Dad, = = ignore me T______T
Aww.. Anyone can go with me?

Okayy the deadline had passed, ignore it =X.
What I wanna say here is, you can learn something through the exhibition!

Who am I to actually care?
*Thieves out there,
Please stop stealing my phrases and pictures.
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