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09 September, 2009

It is one of the toughest days I ever had :(

Biology Paper 2 is the toughest part among all because I received many different patterns of tips which confuse me. Trying to convince myself that I could survive without getting any leaked questions, I knew I must really work hard… I felt bad for not learning this subject by heart and wasting Mr. Fong’s effort for giving his knowledge to me.

Sorry to Fung Soon for failing to help him up with the essay of oogenesis process because I did not get the accurate tips which were passed around among you guys last night.

Being the only paper that I got NO tips at all, the Additional Mathematics Paper 2 yesterday was just s-so. “If you do not know how to do the questions, that means you did not listen attentively in my class”, said Mr. How. Many complained that it was tough but to me, I had insufficient time to finish it up. The time allocation should be adjusted somehow :X I don’t hope the same thing to recur for the Paper 1 next week.

“If you get all the questions/tips before exam
and yet you still can’t get A1,
then there is no hope for you to get A1 in SPM already.”

--- by Ms. Christina.

Mean but true. She has been repeating this for the past two weeks when I attend her calss. SPM is only 41 days left from now! [Hey it is TRUE, do CLICK to view the countdown counter!]


And when can I actually resist myself from touching the keyboard?

Am having holiday tomorrow since we do not sit for Science paper. Everyone would just skip school, including me. But I can’t )): After the quick meeting today, I know I must get to school tomorrow to get my job done.

Deadline: 18 Sept 2009
Can we really complete the more than a hundred pages of magazine on time?
Do wish me luck in juggling both duties and studies :)

*heart broken* ; Can’t we be friends anymore? ♥

I am desperate to binge this sweet, delicious food to boost up my mood :D

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