It seems like it was pretty early at that moment for everyone was still busy preparing the game stuff, stage decoration and sorts. So we managed to walk around the school, when he told me where is this place that place bla bla bla.

Oh we walked to the field and saw almost 300 chairs arranged in circles. This was for the game session at night =) But the rain fell around 6++ or 7++ [I don’t remember!] for the whole night that everything gets all wet outdoors :(

Finally we entered the hall and saw this lovely drawing. I knew it was never easy to paint such a huge banner, when I’ve done it before. It stated on the brochure that it would start at 5pm, but we ended up waiting till 6 for the opening ceremony.
Started off with Mr. Chin’s less-than-one-minute speech! Thank God that this PK Kokurikulum kept the speech so brief. Followed by a speech from the president of the event, I have no idea what was he talking about at all :X

Next, the ice-breaking session. Sorry that the picture of the paper looks sandy =X. I skipped this because I found out that this is the usual MBS idea during ice-breaking session as I did exactly the same thing during the CBD few months ago.

Drama time! The longest drama performance I’ve ever seen. The best one ever too :D
I lovel♥velove this drama because it was so exhilarating, thanks to their hard work and long practices!

One of the stories is about 嫦娥奔月, where Chang Er [the GREEN one is Chang Er!! LOLOLOL] flew to the Moon by drinking the elixir of life in order to save the people from her husband’s tyrannical rule. I think many of you had heard of this story right?

Each and every one on stage here is MALE, but dressed up so female-like. The clothes were all torn-up and so sexily looking xD! And the next session was chicken-dancing. Many had fun but we didn’t really join them :X

Refreshment was supposed to be at 7pm, but due to the delay we finally managed to fill our stomach full by 8pm. Fried rice, mee hoon and mee were optional, depending on your taste =X. Ka Seng just ate a few bite and kept away everything else, awww… anyway I don’t think it really sucks. Thanks to him for inviting us to Starbucks after the night too.

Complimentary lanterns for each of us (: However, the games and lanterns session were cancelled due to the heavy rain, and finally that’s the end of the event =)
Thanks Louis for the day.
And I finally recalled that I had a tuition mate from MBS when I was in primary :D
I missed Jen Hoe for missing the night :(
Thanks people who were so friendly to me too.
I indeed had a great day.
Oh I’m addicted to this school =X
Might enter Form6 there next time? (:
The dedication. Am addicted to ice-cream lately.
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