5.45 am: I woke up. I think this breaks my record of the year! I haven’t been waking up so early since ages ago. And this cookie is something I bite early in the morning while waiting for Kheng Yang to fetch me.
The next ones are Kei Yan, Jia Ying and Lip Kin.

Can you imagine someone pulling your ears when you are driving? xD
8.00 am: In the car, we are playing and making fun around until he can’t concentrate on driving. Then I think I have a karaoke session in his car because almost all the songs the CD plays are my favourites! :D

Finally we reached :D After sesat jalan = =
9.00 am: I feel sorry for Lyn’s bro coz’ he has to show us the way and waste his precious time. Once we reached, Fung Soon, Kien Bing, Kui Seong and JustinT have already booked a parking space for us. How nice of them :)

Hallway of INTI college :)
The environment looks great there!

Look for the Mooncake Festival celebration in their college.
How nice that they have a bulletin board for each club, just like how the schools do!

Complimentary paper bag, pen and notebook.
Actually I don’t understand why did they choose asterisk sign as their logo.
Does it bring any meaning? I don’t know :X

1.20 pm: Our lunch is sort of buffet-like, when the delicious food are arranged in a superb manner and we can easily get the food by ourselves. Everyone there seems to have high courtesy that all of us queue up in a proper manner and the people look great x)

The classroom in INTI Subang Jaya ; But we use it as “CANTEEN” :D
Look at the “good” students--- FungSoon, KienBing and KuiSeong.
2 hours of Add Maths talk, by Mr. K. Kumar.
Followed by 2 hours of Physics talk, by Mr. Nava.
*yawn* Seriously I think I am spending more time on playing and joking around with Lyn than studying. Anyway I kinda like the Physics teacher because he started the talk by teaching Biology!! LOL.
3.00pm: We get back to Sri Petaling by ourselves, and luckily this time we only trap in a little traffic congestion and we manage the correct way home! :D Thanks Jia Ying for looking into the map and leading the way home!

3.30pm: We head to Carrefour to buy stuff. And there’s a performance on the stage of Endah Parade. Jia Ying seems so interested in those female performers xD Kei Yan left us halfway, before we manage to buy everything :X

:D Thanks Kheng Yang for the takoyaki!
Left me, Ying, Yang and Kin. We want to buy chocolates in Carrefour, which the price tag in the rack shows, “RM 17.55”. When we want to make payment, the cashier tells us to pay RM 19.50. Wow, RM2 extra = =
So we told her the exact price we saw on the display rack and the lady in-charge went to check. After checking, she told us that there’s no price display available and we were required to show the price tag to her there.
Kin followed her into the supermarket again, and true enough that the price tag had gone missing! Know why? The answer is: The lady took away the price tag and pretended as if nothing happened. So is this called customer exploitation? Or is it something we learned in Moral Studies, bout “Melindungi Hak Pengguna”??
Conclusion: Don’t go Carrefour to buy groceries :P
By the way,
She saw me with a guy today.
And I knew she’s going to question me next week.
I will be dead.
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