And today I went to school as usual, bringing nothing to school except camera and cell phone because we would be having the graduation rehearsal. I was so tired actually, although I slept a lot last night :X JM messaged me saying that “I also feel tired seeing you being so busy walking here and there”. Yeaps, lots of things to handle without Miss Liew around today. DaddyLoke told me that one robe had gone missing! MISSING. Can you imagine? A Science stream student stealing robe from the school? I recounted like… 3-4 times. But still the number varies all the time. But I am glad that I can get over this Grad thingy very soon :D
Then the first present I received was from DarlingSpell, BestieJM, Fungsoon, JustinT, Leon, Shin Mei, Kah Herng and Jian Hong. It was a polka-dot dress [No wonder Spell was so anxious whether I love polka dot or not], an eye cover, a Bunny ring, and a “finger” thingy.
The YELLOW finger :XXX!!
It helps me to avoid light when I’m sleeping :D
Followed by a CUTE doggy from JiaYing and JustinL. Spell hearts this a lot!

This is the awesomenes from my darlings :D

My KFC gang presented me a lovely FISH handmade card too, and a puzzle photo frame :D

Picture 1

Then they finally chose Picture 2 to make the puzzle :D
But the result came out is…….

Soon after the rehearsal of graduation, I went home safely, waiting for Mr.J to come because he told me that he wanted to pass me a birthday present. From 1pm, I waited till 3pm. I was like, “Why on Earth is he SOOOOO late?” I decided to camwhore a lil’ with the fedora and the new polka dress.
Suddenly someone knocked my door,
And ta-daaaa! Surprise!!! :D
There were 14 of them to my house---
Keiyan, Vivian, Shinmei, Cheekuan, Mayyen, Sockkwan, Carolyn, Spell, Jiameng, Fungsoon, Leon, Lipkin, Khengyang, Soonyuen.
They came into my house, bringing a delicious cake, surprising me and Mummy. I was really shocked. :X Luckily I didn’t dress in polka and came out to answer the door = = The best thing was… everyone didn’t go home to change after school but they proceeded to Spell’s house to COOK!
They even planned to get my Sis' phone number to tell my Mum not to cook lunch for me and wait for them for the spaghetti. LOL. Luckily they get the wrong number, or else... I don't know what would happen. At least the plan now went well :D and surprised me indeed!
The girls cooked while the guys played computers = =” I received a pair of teddy from Soonyuen, Kin, Yang and Jiaying. The darlings actually forced Mr. J to lie to me and passed me his present, it was a fake cake :D Cute! Kui Seong was supposed to tag along but he didn’t. Anyway his nice present was here :D A mini aquarium for me!!! I was like, “Wowwww?” I know everyone was super tired and starving after so many efforts being put in.

:D Thanks people so muchhhhhhh! I really don’t know what else to say except……
The presents, celebration and cards are so special this year. And I even received a super longgg email form Mr. J. Thank you my darlings!!! I appreciate everything you did, and may you be blessed for your kindness and loveliness always!
P/S: I wrote longer than my English essay in exams! :P
By: © Szehuiii
♥ More pictures on Facebook
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