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09 December, 2009

Goodbye SPM!~

Goodbye school uniform!
:D I proudly declare that.......

SPM 2009 is Oooooo-ver! [for me, at least =X]

No more wearing this uniform in school.
No more wandering with this outfit at Times Square.
No more wearing the 10-year-old tie, passed on from Sis.
No more waking up early for school! :D
[Although I have to wake up ever earlier while in camp]

LiVE in Malaysia last week, but I have had to miss this
Because of Biology, Accounts and Physics Big Days :(

Specially dedicated to my beloved high school darlings,

High school is not the easiest place in the world. There is the pressure to excel in studies and yet you still need to find time for movies, malls and an enjoyable life in general. And everything reminds me of Disney’s High School Musical.

Just like the movie, I honestly cherish the friendship that I have with you people and even though we had some misunderstandings in the past, we can all look back now and laugh at how we fought over the tiniest, most ridiculous stuff.

After the 8th of December, we will not meet every weekday anymore. High school has put an end for all of us, but the strong-built friendship shall never end! I still love all my darlings no matter how many milestones separating us in future.

A million thanks for your presence in my life, highschoolmates! =)

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