Hey readers!

The biggest Chinese festival is only 3 days away, when I am still unprepared physically and mentally. Thanks darling Mama for buying me so many new attires for the festive season although I don't have chance wearing them all this week!

Here you meet my dormmates!
They're the loveliest people I met on Earth, thanks for their kindness and sweetness all the time. Initially I was sort of frightened when they speak Chinese in their daily life but soon after a month there I am able to communicate better with them (:

I♥U, Dorm 4!

The weekdays morning differs each day--- we had Modul Pembinaan Karakter, Modul Kenegaraan and Modul Khidmat Komuniti, where we meet people ranging from complete strangers to the bes tbuddy. And the Chinese books are all free gifts from the Buddha classes on every Thursday and Friday night. Those are meaningful but kinda boring though =X

Us, at the Dong Zen Temple (东禅寺)
Every Saturday is our day visiting the temple--- Helping out, listening to Buddha talks and praying. It is the nicest temple I've ever visited and I have blogged bout it before. CLICK to know more bout the place.
10 Good Thing I HEART in Kem PLKN Paya Indah
1. Delicious food
2. Free ice-cream on Fridays
3. Sweet dorm mates
4. Kayak & rakit activity
5. Flying fox!
6. 1Malaysia people
7. Being independent
8. Relaxing lifestyle
9. Beautiful scenery at night and before dawn
10. Character-building activities
P/S: Am going for gun-shooting session on 4,5 and 6 March. I just can't wait =D
hey, im going paya indah but 2nd batch.. haha.. thx to ur blog, im more interested to go.. haha..