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10 May, 2010

To share, and to live

These teddy cookies are my favourite tea time food during my work days, and now I start to miss them lots. Anyway it’s my holiday again. I’m totally free nowadays, so if you have any activity or freelance job, do ask me to help out kays? (;

I couldn’t believe that I've been sitting in front of this screen for the whole week since last Wednesday to watch my favourite movie.

Am into this lately--- Autumn's Concerto

It is released around October 2009.
With SPM around the corner, I told myself I'd watch it after SPM.
After SPM, I said I'd watch this after National Service.
Soon after the programme ended, I vowed that I must finish the movie after starting to work.
And now, I finally stopped myself from delaying.
And start enjoy the movie ;D

By the way, thanks readers for the votes, many people have contributed to my decision. I’m glad that I come up with the best decision now. At least it is the best for now (:

Today is the orientation day for the Lower 6s of 2010 to register and undergo the required procedure. I’m lucky enough that I’ve missed it. Happily, I should say.

I finally don’t need to go to Victoria Institution! ;D

10 Good Reasons ( Not excuses =/ ) For Not Choosing Form 6

#1 No more school uniform! Yay!

#2 I don’t need to waste money to dye my hair black again ;X

#3 No more waking up at the wee hours in the morning ;D

7.30am to 2.20pm school time sounds more than just scary

#5 A waste of time; I can save half a year by doing CAT

#6 No more breaking school rules

#7 No more hectic hours of tuition classes

#8 I hate to lose my precious long nails =/

#9 Walking miles to LRT station each day is a no-no

And lastly, you no longer keep your promise, so why should I?

I know,
If it was MBS, I’d choose Form 6. If you were there, I’d certainly choose this.

Tomorrow's update: Happy Mother's Dae!


  1. not just that... you have more...

    ONE HELL OF ASSIGNMENTS you have to settle within weeks or months! :D

  2. assignments are alot in colleges too right? ;X

  3. OMG! i love autumn's concerto too! best drama :)

  4. OMG! i love autumn's concerto too! best drama :)


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