12 August, 2010

Ding Dang ;D

Ding Dang’s music session was held at MMU Cyberjaya last week ;D

Do you know who is Ding Dang? I think she is not that famous in Malaysia yet, but for a typical Chinese-educated person, I bet you watch Autumn’s Concerto (下一站,幸福) and love her song ;D

She is Taiwanese artist, who came to Malaysia during Mayday (五月天)’s concert in last July.

And now she is here again to promote her latest album,
“Fu Good” (pronounced as Feel Good) @ RM43.90 ;D

Courtesy to MMU CLSC (Chinese Language Society Cyberjaya) for inviting her here to perform in front of the students.

The event is also sponsored by MyFM, while the host of the day is Jym 莊靖毅 ;D

Flowers from the fans! ;D

The Chit Chat session ;D
Everyone seemed high and happy at that moment.

She is the great dancer, after Jolin Tsai!
And from the chitchat session, we learned that she wanna become
Asian version of Lady Gaga! ;D

Heart her a lot when she sang 我愛他

Pretty eh? Although with her simple outfit.

We only paid 5 bucks to enjoy such awesome voice and sweet songs ;D
Very worthwhile right?

Lastly, present you a video of her on that dae ;D
Brought to you by Steven @ steventsh.com!

NANG if you love my pichas ;D


  1. Thanks for linking. Appreciate that. Btw, more vids coming :P

  2. She become very pretty when she slims down^^

  3. She's the one who can sing high pitch right? :)

  4. I love one of her song, which is the "Zhou Huo Ru Mo" i think. =)

  5. OMG only RM 5?? :O
    i wish i was there!! ;)

  6. hye! thnx for dropping at my blog. :D ur blog great too!

  7. whoaa Ding Dang! I love some of her songs too! :D Happy weekend yea! :)

  8. Woo...she's so pretty! I love her boots! XD

  9. so lucky to get to meet her! how come we didnt know she's coming to msia one? ): ohhh jym is so cute! :D

  10. wow!! envy you a lot! she is a great singer~:)

  11. I love her too~!
    I love the song called "我愛他", which is used to be the theme song of "下一站‧幸福"

    It is a touching movie... and THIS SONG, brings it to a higher level... =]

  12. OMG I like Ding Dang so much! hahaha... when's she coming to Penang hahaha!


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