05 May, 2011

Le Poulet Roti @ Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

Welcome to this heavenly beautiful restaurant ;D

Location of the dae: Le Poulet Roti, a Italian-styled cafe.

Roasted half chicken with the sauce;
Such combination is perfect! :D

I likey this big, fat drumstick!

Look how tasty is the spaghetti :)

Mashed potato :)

The perfect lunch :D
With the orange marmalade cupcakes as dessert.

God, I miss pretty food sooooooo much :(


  1. wah ur lunch so grand ar? I love mash potato le XD

    anyways . . . the spaggy looks dam nice wei, filled with creamy sauce (i mean each part of the spaggy)

    hehe =D great post and thanks for sharing XD

  2. Thought is somekind of french or Italy dishes but why is it on Chinese cocks' plate. Haha.. XD

    Wow, drools looking at the drumstick. How the taste like?

  3. OMG! The mashed potato look so nice!!!Must be super yummy... *hungry* =P

  4. I love the big fat drumstick; oily but surely lovely :P the mashed potatoes looks awesome with sprinkled black pepper on it, too bad I can't take orange otherwise the marmalade cupcakes will be superb XD

  5. great shots! makes me hungry! ( :

  6. I wonder how can you eat so many? ==

  7. I wanna eat everything! slurp slurp :P

  8. Look at the name, I thought it's a bakery shop.

  9. the roasted chicked looks like very very yummy..


  10. OMG! u make me hungry!!!
    that kimchi clams, bibimbab, saba fish, and korean green tea. I WANT ALL OF THEM.....

    anyway, is that soju in green bottle? have u drink it? is it good? tell me... tell me.... im so damn curious


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