10 August, 2011

Memoirs II: The Puzzle

It was two weeks ago where I happened to be one of the committees to help organizing a Photography Exhibition inside the campus of MMU Cyberjaya.

Familiar of this?
It's Facebook! :D

4 pictures relating to one another would make a good puzzle;
It is one of the competition entries :)

Mr. Brian Chong aka goldfries and Mr. Ted Adnan came over for giving a talk :D
The famous photographer even blogs about us! >>> HERE

Okay this looks like kindergarten painting
but it still portrays our theme of "Farmreal, Farmville".

Visitors busy admiring the pictures :)

The flyers for everyone.

After weeks and weeks of preparation, it is finally made into a success! :D Congrats to all the committee members for the effort and hard work!


  1. hi, gal~
    thx 4 ur visit~
    MMU har, i gt some frenz ther oso~
    mind following my blog too?

  2. I wish I was there to admire the competition entries. They are thought provoking!

  3. Too little photos! We want more, we want more! :D But congrats for the event!

  4. Interesting competition,i see Jelutong,Penang in one of the puzzle.

  5. u r wc~
    i studying in UTP nw~
    u noe tis place?
    is an engineering uni~

  6. hey! i'm interested! but it's in kl right? =(

  7. nice photograph.. wish i could capture such a nice masterpiece.. lolx~

  8. haha the fb page is creative leh><

  9. When I was a kid,I was crazy about puzzles.

  10. Bolejuga nih, cara buatnya gimana ya? Ajarin dong, thanks

  11. the facebook thingy is creative... good effort from the committee :D

  12. not really~
    it's not easy to clarify lah~
    cuz my uni facing some prob nw~

  13. woohoO~ photography ! u reli hebat ! ><

  14. my uni no $$ ad~
    so nw over 80% tat enter are private student~
    gov din support oso lol~
    so, is quite lik a semi-gov uni lah nw~

  15. MMU is the top uni in IT field in Malaysia as told by my lecturers. =]


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