13 October, 2011

Tee Intellectual Property - Trademark, Copyrights & Patent Expert

Phrase of the day: Intellectual Property

Well, for the topic of the day, I always wonder if I can always make something I did or said as my copyright, and others who use it should pay me as some kind of 'compensation' for me? Like the quote I always use, "Ignorance Is Bliss", people tend to repeat after me then I guess they ought to at least compensate me with something, right? 

Okay perhaps that quote does belonged to someone famous in the past, and not me. 
Let's take another example: 

There must certainly be somebody who invented the phrase "LOL" where we use widely in all social networks, SMS, phone calls and even real-life conversations! But too bad, I guess this creative person cannot be a millionaire yet just because of one word of his. 

So I hope you can stop wondering what is "Intellectual Property",
Here's the formal definition of it: Intellectual Property is creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. 

Do you know that each and every one of us has the intellectual property rights?

So it's mainly about protecting your ideas, assets and whatever you think up next.
"Protect it, or lose it!"
Well, I bet you wouldn't want anyone to snatch something which originally came from you, would you?
So here comes in handy the Tee Intellectual Property Company :D

Established in 2010, Tee Intellectual Property Company or more formally known as Tee IP Sdn Bhd is a Malaysian Specialist Intellectual Property Firm. Their qualified Registered Patent Agent, Registered TradeMark Agent and Registered Industrial Design Agent are some of the professionals from a diverse range of disciplines including Law, Science and Engineering. With over 10 years of combined intellectual property legal service experience, they have the know-how and expertise to properly address your intellectual property needs.

The main job includes helping the clients in securing and protecting their intellectual property assets in Malaysia and over 160 countries (and more to come, I believe!). The company is strategically located in Kuala Lumpur, near to the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO).

Okay I know you'd be wondering why is it Tee IP when you have a whole long list of intellectual property company to be chosen from! And the reasons include: 
#1 Quality guaranteed
#2 Quick and accurate services 
#3 Jargon free
#4 No hidden cost at all!
#5 Safe and secure 

If you can't make your mind for your intellectual property assets, then let Tee IP do it for you!
Tee Intellectual Property would always be the smartest choice of yours :)


  1. Imagine the creator and his descendents of English have patents over alphabets...they will be so bloody rich!!!


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