14 November, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

It was my 19th Birthdae yesterday; A final year of being a teenager, a year before stepping into the twenties. Unfortunately the night of birthdae celebration fell on the same night as Hennessy Artistry, so I miss the fun with the bloggers and some friends of mine failed to turn up too.

I got a huge teddy from God as my largest birthdae present of the year!
The 19th birthdae was something which turned out warm and great with the loved ones who really care for me. Of course I didn't get any teddy bear as present, but the friends and family who spent the day with me are already the best gift ever!
Hair accessories, lace necklace and lace top are all from FBlock Boutique.
The first night of celebration was @ PJ Section 17 with the besties and high schoolmates.

These are my love :)
Thank you for organizing a warm birthdae gathering for me at such an awesome place!
Wondering which restaurant was I in? Keep an eye on my updates soon! :)

Meet my all-time favourite, Blueberry Cheese Cake from RT Pastry House.
If you're a crazy cheesy fan like me, I assure you that you'll fall in love with this cake!

The bit of the cake contains the full cheese flavour which melts in your mouth.
A must-try! In fact, RT Pastry House is the expert in cheese!

The darling high school mates presented me a simple-looking card and a DSLR leather bag!
I've always wanted a proper bag for my DSLR, to provide better protection and security.

P/S: It was bought online; I love the colour and buckle very much.

The second round of celebration @ Karaoke room at Sri Petaling
After the dinner, we proceeded to sing karaoke (It's kinda a tradition--- either going for alcohol or karaoke session or tea session after a scrumptious meal). The rate here is incredibly cheap! Only RM6 per 2-hour singing session, inclusive of can drinks and tidbits. If anyone of you is interested, do ask me where is it :P

When the clock ticks 12, it was officially my 19th birthdae and everyone wished me well.
May God grants my birthdae wishes too :)

The Next Day...

清汤冬粉 (Noodle Soup)
The official day of my birthdae started off with a traditional meal prepared by my beloved Mummy.
Chinese has a belief that during the birthdae, the celebrated one should have either one of these options:

#1 Two hard-boiled eggs
#2冬粉 (Glass noodle, my Dad called it)
#3长寿面 (Longevity noodles, or bun; Usually the older people eat this)

All these act as a symbol of longevity and happiness throughout the year. It brings the meaning of gratefulness that God allows us to live until the day we're now.

Guess what cake is this? :)
As dawn approaches, I headed to a posh restaurant for another birthdae celebration,
but this time was with the boyfriend.

The cake becomes one of my favourites after my trip to Malacca.
And now they have it almost everywhere around KL and PJ!

Meet the Reese's Surprise from Humble Beginnings.

It's a pre-ordered cake, so if you're interested,
you can always log on to their official website
and place your order a few days earlier.

He knows that my favourite cake is Mille Crepe (Click HERE for more savoury pictures of Mille Crepe!), that's why he gets me this--- The famous Hershey's Reese's (creamy peanut butter in a rich milk chocolate cup) improvised.

This gigantic bunny was a gift from the fellow friends when I was 16,
now it's already 3 years old;

Happy Birthdae, my favourite companion!

Here I'd love to thank all of you for:

#1 Reading this blog entry (At least you enjoy the pictures)
#2 The hundreds FB birthdae wishes (I know you're one of them)
#3 And the birthdae celebration and surprises which you guys never fail to give me :)

Lastly, let's wish the blogger Happy Birthdae once again.


  1. A lil late thou. Happy Birthday. Nice pink outfit.

  2. Have a blessed birthday :) 

  3. Happy Belated Birthday, if cannot finish the cake please split some to me :P

  4. Happy Birthday ! :>>
    Be Happy! :>

    HavE a niCe daY ! :>


  5. What a wonderful birthday celebration,can I share you mille crepe birthday cake??;p

  6. Happy Birthday! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead...you could have gone to the Hennessy thing and celebrate your birthday with all the bloggers there... Shoudl be fun, I'm sure. Oh? You had tung hoon instead of mee sua on your birthday? What dialect is that?

  7. Hey sweetie, happy belated birthday oh! Wish u stay healthy n sweet alwiz...

    Thanks for visiting my blog site!



  9. Your bf is so sweet to get you your fave cake! (: Love the white top from Fblock too. Have an awesome year ahead and best wishes in everything. 

  10. Happy Belated birthday to you and you are looking good.  The cakes all looks very yummy and its nice to see your celebration with all the loved ones.  

  11. Happy Belated Birthday ya!

  12. it's okay to be late than nothing :) thanks once again

  13. thankiew! have a pleasant day ahead too!

  14. the mille crepe is awesome; would love to share with everyone too!

  15. *Happy ThankYou Face* LOL! THANKSALOT!

  16. ermm im not sure but my hokkien friend told me that eating dong fen is good for birthdae so i just had it :) i dunno wad's mee sua anyway. next year i shall celebrate with the bloggers then! 

  17. :) my friend said the white top looks like wedding top LOL. anyway thanks for your wishes :) 

  18. thankyou very much, the cakes are highly recommended :) 

  19. thanks eunice :) have a nice day!

  20. Happy belated birthday, that's one cute bunny.

  21. wow ! Happy Birthday !!

    http://www.lonelyreload.com (A Growing Teenager Diary) .. 

  22. Happy belated birthday.  Your birthday cake looks yummy! I'll be posting and writing about the food & dessert I had recently in Italy.  Watch for that to come this week.  =)

  23. OMG, you're so young!!
    Nice celebrations and food!! ;)

  24. Ho ho ho.. What the Fish!! U got 2 cake!! Happy Belated 19th Fish.. Ha ha ha.. The Ninja Turtle is wishing you.. :-p.. First,I just go through your picture,then realize it was 2 cake,go back and read the whole post then.. :-p.. Damn,I don't even had 1 cake on this year birthday.. :-p

  25. damn forget to ask.. where's the Karaoke place? The sound are good or not?? Got Sabahan songs or not.. Ha ha ha.. :-p.. If yeah,then I'll be going there doing the destruction.. Ha ha ha..

  26. happy belated birthday! looks like a very sweet celebration! next year, 20 years old, an even bigger milestone! :D

  27. Happy Belated Birthday and Abundant of Blessings everyday of the year :)
    Love the blueberry Cheesecake too!

  28. I've wished but I'll wish again. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ! :P By the way I love the second picture, you look so pretty ! hehe and the leather bag looks amazing seriously. Totally drooled at the crepe cake, just like how your blog always makes me :P Continue blogging ! 

  29. thankiew choiyen! :) have a pleasant day!

  30. hahas 2 cakes are nice :P but i wish to have another one from the family. lol im so greedy huh. anyway thanks for your wishes :) the karaoke is at endah promenade, sri petaling, you know where is it? the sound system is of course not as good as others, but it's acceptable for me :)

  31. hahas and i don't look that young right? anyway thanks for the compliment :)

  32. hello sharon, thanks for visiting :) would love to see more Italian food too!

  33. yeaps i love its cuteness too :) thanks 

  34. Happy Belated Birthday :)

  35. Happy bday again to u, sweetie! Love that BIG bear! U look really good in those shots. May u have more presents coming your way :)

  36. Thanks for visiting my blog & Happy belated birthday. have fun with your teenage years! 
    I love Humble Beginning's mille crepes too! seeing your birthday cake reminds me how much I miss them!  

  37. oh damn.. get the google map and it say,It's impossible for you to get there without transport.. ok2.. I'll go Red Box instead.. :-p

  38. Happy Belated Birthday girl! :)

  39. Happy belated birthday gal!

  40. Happy belated Birthday gal!

  41. Happy belated birthday to you. The Mille Crepe  looks really good. Why no pic of your bf?

  42. Happy Belated Birthday! You look very sweet! So young still now I feel so old. hehe. Thanks for dropping by my blog..:)

  43. happy belated birthday! and humble beginnings crepe cake are definitely the best crepe cake in town!!

  44. thanks while im enjoying the final year of my teenage years. anyway humble beginnings is awesome, isn't it? perhaps i think you can bake the cake yourself too? coz you're talented!

  45. thankiew blackswan :D may god bless u!

  46. hahas not gonna reveal at my blog :P interested to see his picture?

  47. hahas thank you and i know you still have a young heart!

  48. yeaps apart from nadeje @ malacca (http://ohfishiee.blogspot.com/2011/09/mille-crepe-from-nadeje-patisserie-cafe.html) i think humble beginnings serve the best mille crepe ! 

  49. thanks iriene! may god bless u too!

  50. thanks sean :) i believe next year would be a better one 

  51. hahas! thanks shuwen for the wishes, compliment and the loyal support <3 i love you, reader!

  52. thank you. have a pleasant week.

  53. thanks ivy! (can i call you ivy? :))

  54. Happy Belated Birthday! Stay Sweet and happy always!

  55. owh, hepi belated besday fish ^^

  56. thanks amanda :) glad that you love the both of them!

  57. I'm a monster for RT Pastry~~ A Wh*re spender at FBlock (Well...Sometimes...), and girl... You look fab on your Birthday!

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