05 December, 2011

Magical Tale Of Aladdin

The magical tale of Aladdin finally comes alive at Sunway Lagoon, Malaysia!
I'm pretty sure that Aladdin has become one of your childhood stories, and now it turns into a musical show, live at Sunway Lagoon! Along with the aerial acrobatics, the crew has made this into a success! 

The show brings to life the familiar tale of a young street rat named Aladdin, 
who befriends a magical genie, defeats an evil vizier and wins the heart of a beautiful princess. 

I love this duet singing part between Aladdin and Princess Jasmine. 
The flying carpet is now on stage, along with the moving backdrops! 
So they're in love at Malaysia, under the night scenery around KLCC. LOL

The 3D effect and the falling snow appear during the peak of the show!

The Evil Jafar, who tries to separate both Aladdin and Princess Jasmine.
Genie of The Lamp
In this musical, he's a little different with his great sense of humours.
Apart from doing hip hop dance moves, he sang and rapped pretty well.
A great entertainer indeed!

No, I'm not focusing on Aladdin, but the dancers around him.
They're simply sexy, right?

From this picture, you can see how hawt they are!

This dancer is one of my favourite too--- Pretty :D

One of the stunts done by the performer.
But the bad part of the story is that, I sit at the very front seat and can feel the direct heat there.

The Slave of The Ring
She's pretty and sexy. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I fell in love with her outfit!
Look, the children are overjoyed and excited during the musical! 
*ahem* I can't reveal too much of the story here, else you either #1 wouldn't be interested in watching the show yourself or #2 would take my story as a summary version of the musical and your entertainment of the day too. Anyway, if you ever want your kids or young ones to enjoy like them, don't hesitate to bring them to this musical!

Aladdin The Musical will be playing at the Amphitheatre @ Sunway Lagoon from Nov 25 until Jan 2. Shows are Sun-Fri, 8pm (no shows on Tuesday); and Sat, 7.15pm and 9.15pm. There will be extra shows on Dec 25 and Jan 1 at 7.15pm and 9.15pm.

For more information, please click HERE.
I'd certainly love to watch more live shows in future :)


  1. i was growing up with the books & cartoon..i love it!! ^^
    ohhhh this is awesome!!! i wish i were there tooo....

  2. I enjoy watching musicals & used to bring my son to all these Disney shows. This must be good too :)

  3. hi arthur, i saw the review too :) i have different view on this 

  4. hi bluemicearmy, welcome back to this blog :P not interested in live show? then you must be liking my food pictures in this blog

  5. hi priscilla, there'd always be a chance in future! just keep an eye on the upcoming live performances!

  6. hello meitzeu, you gave up the invitation?  no worries, it'd always be next time :)

  7. hi junfook, different people have different opinions mah. i personally love it 

  8. hi debbz, i love musical show too! what a common interest eh?

  9. hi sharon, i guess it's different in malaysia, thanks for your compliment, i hope you enjoyed this post!

  10. hello SK, you're right, they really spend their lifetime performing arts :) talented with passion!

  11. hi yvonne, i love the costume as well. but the snow is not on the desert, it is 'sprayed' to the audience in the midst of the show. i apologize that the pictures cannot display the snow clearly there. 

  12. hello rose! thanks for your comment, i hope you love this post too

  13. hi camy, next time we should attend more musicals together ya! :)

  14. hi sheohyan, thanks for your compliment! hope you enjoy this post

  15. hi hayley, it's amazing, hope you can watch it too

  16. hi tony, it's kinda pricey for the tickets, but i bet most parents would be willing to spend as long as their kids enjoy the performance :)

  17. hello luciana, hope your child enjoys the performance! have a nice experience there!

  18. hello careen :) it's time for you to invest on one ticket and enjoy the performance!

  19. hi bananaz people, kids would certainly be excited for this show, i hope you enjoy this post too!

  20. hello jessy :) nice right? the show hasnt end yet, you can still purchase the tickets via the info i've provided in my blog

  21. hi sugarmouse, you can still purchase tics as the show would end in jan 2012, quick, dont miss it :D

  22. hi aemy, glad that you love it! the show is still running, and i bet you aren't gonna miss it, are you? :)

  23. hi shirley, speaking of disney, i love disney on ice musical! i hope your child enjoys the show too

  24. Glad that you enjoy the show (: but I think I'm gonna give this a pass.

    P/S: Nope, I don't use make up usually.

  25. ohhh, aladdin's my absolute favourite!!! :D :D :D wish i'd gone to watch, too. awesome post!

  26. Looks nice! wish I could go watch=(

  27. Nice backdrops and lovely shots..kids would sure to love watching the magical tale

  28. Wow I've always wanted to attend musical concert since I was small!

  29. Hi Fish, thanks for visit my blog :)
    whoaaa nice, nice...i`ll bring my girl to see tis !!

  30. horrible production. profiting from fooling the people who pays

    THE MUPPETS movie review

  31. Wow, this is so nice! Agree, the dancer is pretty~

  32. seriously wow! i wish to join badly! http://heryuan.blogspot.com

  33. Aladdin is a classic!  If only the genie really real in this world!  heheheh!  Thanks for your comment in my blog.  See you around.

  34. The costume is very very sexy *drool*

    But how come got snow in the desert?

  35. Wow.....I love musical show :D


  36. every single one of them on stage is very talented, they can dance, they can sing, they can act.. and sure they have spent years after years backstage before they can perform on stage.. :)

  37. The costumes and stage props for the show look beautiful! Your photos were also crystal shop - nice work.  I am surprised that they let you take photos inside.  Many places in the US strictly ban cameras.

  38. Wow looks good mah. Why I heard people saying it's bad?

  39. Awhh~~~ I have the invitation! But, didn't have the chance to be apart of this. :(


  40. I was at Sunway last week for my holiday but did't get to see the show.. too bad :(

  41. less interest in this type of live show~
    btw, long no come ad o~ >///< ~

  42. Heard it wasn't that good from others :P

  43. looks like all the girls love it...haha

  44. didn't noticed this event earlier on. ah, reminiscing my childhood.

  45. hi laura, it is indeed FUN, it's worth your money to watch it live there. 

  46. hi Aki. you should get a ticket and experience it LIVE yourself :)

  47. ahh.. I wish I could had the ticket.. But they're damn stingy to me.. ha ha ha.. ^_^.v.. Nice experience though.. :-p

  48. It looks really fun! :D Their costumes are so colourful and look really intricate. 

  49. You have been invited! Do come early for a good seat!


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    شركة نقل عفش بالرياض
    شركتنا بالرياض تعتمد على احدث المعدات والادوات المبتكرة التى تجعلها الأفضل ليس فقط فى مجال نقل اثاث بالرياض بل بكافة الخدمات المنزلية بشكل عام وبخدمات النقل على وجه الخصوص حيث تقدم الشركة خدمات جانبية وشامله لتلبى احتياجات كل عميل , فنجد ن شركتنا تتميز في مجال شركة تخزين اثاث بالرياض و نقل الاثاث على النحو التالى :
    - السرعة والانجاز المطلوب لنقل الممتلكات في الوقت الخاص بالعميل فضلا عن الدقة فى التنفيذ لكل الخدمات المتعلقة بالنقل
    - القيام بمهام الفك والتركيب والتلميع والتنظيف من خلال عماله محترفة ودقيقة تقديم ضمان يدوم لفترات طويله
    - تمتلك الشركة بالرياض اكبر المخازن الموجودة بالسعودية التى تتصف بالامان الشديد ومقاومتها لكافة الظروف الجوية المتقلبه فتحافظ على الاثاث كما كان
    - كما تمتلك الشركة فريق عمل فنى ومدرب جيدا على هذه الاعمال نتاج خبرات وفيرة
    - وتقوم الشركة بتغليف الاثاث وتعبئته في افضل الحافظات الكرتونية المتينة والشديدة , فتقدم الشركة افضل خدمة تعبئة على الاطلاق
    - كما توفر الشركة خدمة تغليف الاثاث من خلال استيراد افضل مواد التغليف مثل البلاستيك بكل انواعه المطاط والبلاستيك المفرقع الخاص بالاثاث الحساس والهش
    - فضلا عن المرونة فى التعامل مع مختلف العملاء وتلبية رغباتهم كامله دون نقص

    لماذا نحن لنقل الاثاث بالرياض ؟
    - شركتنا يلجأ اليها الكثير من العملاء لأنها تعتمد على طاقم عمل محترف مكون من افضل الفنيين والنجارين المدربين جيدا على التعامل مع كافة انواع الاثاث / العفش / الموبيليا والمتخصصين في مهام النقل والفك والتركيب بدقة وحرص وعناية
    - تقدم الشركة افضل شركة نقل اثاث بجدة خدمة تغليف بالاعتماد على اجود و اقوى مواد التغليف المتمثلة فى الكراتين و الاسترتشات الصناعية وكافة انواع السوليتب والبابليز والفوم
    - وبشأن النقل فان شركتنا بالرايض تعتمد على اقوى السيارات والشاحنات الضخمه والسريعه المجهزة بشكل خاص لتحميل العفش والمحتويات بأمان وسلامة
    - علما بان شركتنا تقدم خدماتها لكافة العملاء من قاطنى الاحياء المختلفة بالسعودية وبالرياض , فالشركة تتواجد في اكثر من فرع لتكون في متناول الجميع
    - وتقدم الشركة خدماتها للعملاء اصحاب المؤسسات والشركات والفنادق ليس فقط لأصحاب المنازل والشقق والبيوت مستودعات تخزين اثاث بالرياض , فشركتنا بالرياض لديها كافة الامكانيات اللازمة لنقل كميات كبيرة من البضائع التجارية واحتياجات المصانع والاثاث الفندقى وغيرهم
    للمزيد يرجي زيارة: شركة نقل اثاث - نقل اثاث - نقل اثاث


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