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06 December, 2012

Aun Soon Confectionery 安顺糕饼家 @ Malacca 马六甲 : Traditional Homemade Biscuits 家乡招牌餅

As far as I'm concerned, Malacca is not just about satay celup and mille crepe. It is a small city, 
but full of good food, ranging from the fine Nyonya dining to the tasty street food along dark alleys.

#1 Mah Ti Su (馬蹄酥 / Beh Teh Soh)

Recently my friend from Malacca has brought me some famous festival biscuits. She claimed the Mah Ti Su is the best selling product (招牌餅) in this famous local shop named Aun Soon Confectionery tucked along a busy street in Ayer Keroh, Malacca.

My first reaction was, "Eh, I always thought Penang has the best Ma Ti Su! Or more familiarly known as Heong Peah to me..." She insisted me to try this traditionally packaged fragrant biscuit, and undeniably I found it very good and has its own unique characteristics.

Upon opening the package, I enjoy nice aroma of the baked biscuit, followed by a very flaky and crusty layer on the outside. The layering of skin gives a pleasant biting experience, with added fragrance from the malt, onion and sesame stuffing inside. Unique on its own, I prefer this type of filling which is not as gooey or sticky as the one I had from Penang / Perak. It's less messy and doesn't stick on the teeth =P

#2 Tau Sah Peah (豆沙餅)

Another signature biscuit from Aun Soon is the Green Bean Biscuit, or more commonly known as Tambun Biscuit. It's my favourite traditional biscuits, and regardless of how many flavours (Pandan, Chilli, Belacan, Chicken Floss) there are in Penang, I'd stick to the original flavour.

In Aun Soon, they only sell the one and only type of Dou Sha Piah, a thin layer of skin wrapping grinded green beans. The packaging comes in multiple sizes but I still prefer the one in traditional boxes--- Perfect gift for friends from near and far. 

Strong aromas of fried onions (葱油), peanuts (花生油), green beans (绿豆) and sugary sweetness (白糖) rush out from the box upon opening it. Each has a slightly larger size than the usual tambun biscuit I have. 

I love the nicely done layers for the skin, it is so flaky that I must be careful while enjoying it.
The green bean paste is overstuffed here, with a great balance of sweetness and savories.

The family business had operated for more than 23 years, and they had never stopped producing good quality Chinese traditional biscuits to cater for the local and international needs. 

After having my first try, I promise I'd come back for more! Probably drop by at this shop 
for other delicacies such as Peanut Butter Shortbread (花生酥) and Sat Kei Ma.

The best thing in Aun Soon is, what I am eating now is actually baked on the very same day,
and they always sell the biscuits while they're still hot!

Since it doesn't contain any preservatives, I'd strongly recommend you to eat on the same day,
or the quality would deteriorate... Remember, serve them FRESH =)

For better convenience and speed, the Ma Ti Su is packaged into plastics in tens (10, 20, 30, ...). 
Trust me, if I were to buy them home, it would vanish in a few seconds because
my family always has a soft spot on traditionally baked biscuits like these!

Meet the boss of Aun Soon Confectionery, Mr Eyok =) A middle-aged but very spirited man;
Look what he had done for the past 30 years to gain today's success.

I'd keep this map properly so that I'm able to find this shop the next time I visit there!

Here's a short video clip of the baking process in Aun Soon Confectionery.
After watching it, it gives a nostalgic feel while enjoying the fruit of the labour.

Aun Soon Confectionary
24, Jalan Sri Rama 3, 
Taman Muzaffar Shah, 
75450 Ayer Keroh, Melaka.
Business Hours: 8am - 4pm

For bulk purchase / travel tour visit,
please contact: 06-231 3878 or 012-660 3547

Visit Aun Soon's Facebook Page for more DELICIOUS selections!


  1. They are so yummy! why are u still so thin after eating so much? jealousss haha

  2. awww the bread looks yummy!
    give me some pweassse!

  3. I always love Heong Pheang not the inti but the outer skin haha. Wah the store is so crowded.

  4. I like 'Heong Peah' & 'Sat Kei Ma'..but I less like Tau Sah Peah .heheh....

  5. it reminds me that i always peel off the crunchy skin of Ma Ti Su and just eat the inside part.

  6. malacca, my hometown! lotsa great choices. my grandmother and aunts enjoy this one :D

  7. it all looks great and perfectly done

  8. All the buns look delicious!

  9. Oh gosh they looked so good! I LOVE both the baked sticky ones and the dou sha peng. I am drooling just looking at the pictures of freshly baked biscuits!


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