06 December, 2012

Blackmores Good Deed Contest: Extended to 14 December 2012!

Did I mention that Blackmores is having a 80 Deeds Campaign 2012 in my previous post? Bet you have heard about the Good Deed Contest too. If you haven't, you may view my entry HERE. To mark their 80th Anniversary, Blackmores has extended the deadline of this contest to next Friday, 14 December 2012 :D

Blackmores’ 80th year is a significant one, and the launch of the Blackmores 80 Deeds Campaign 2012 encourages all Malaysians to extend a kind deed to another Malaysian, be it a family member, colleague or even a ‘frenemy’, without expecting any form of compensation. 

The contest is very simple! 
Do your good deed, record it as a story/picture/video, 
upload to social networking sites and
submit it to 80years80deeds@blackmores.com.my

1. Include your full name, email, mobile number and a short description of your random deed of kindness in your submission.
2. The contest is open to all Malaysians.
3. You may record your kind deed and share it on your blog site, Facebook or Twitter.
4. To be in the running for the 80 Best Deeds Awards, please notify Blackmores through email: 80years80deeds@blackmores.com.my
5. Final submission is by 14th December 2012.
6. Judges' decision is final. Winners will be based on their creativity, relevance and originality.
7. Blackmores reserves the right to use the winning submissions for promotional purposes.

Blackmores 80 Deeds Campaign 2012 Prizes: 

Grand Prize (x1)
2 days 1 night stay at Avillion Port Dickson worth RM1000

Best 8 Deeds (x8)
Blackmores Hamper worth RM800 each

For more information, visit Blackmores Facebook at www.facebook.com/BlackmoresMalaysia

All participants must post their deeds online at 80years80deeds@blackmores.com.my or via their social media platform of choice to be in the running for the prizes.


  1. I am taking their health supplements, hehe, so will try to join, thanks for sharing!

  2. unfortuanately im a filipino huhu


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