18 December, 2012

Exclusive: Starbucks 2013 Diary Planner

Hello Starbucks, Hello 2013! 

Now we have less than two weeks to 2013! Are you excited? 
Stepping into a brand new year, it's time for a new start. Well, it's a habit of mine to start off with 
a new book, indicating we're another year wiser. So...how can you not get a new 
Starbucks 2013 Planner for the new page of your life!

All you have to do is, purchase 15 beverages from Starbucks (Tall size will do--- Save money!) 
and get a Starbucks planner for FREE! If your friends love your planner, 
you may buy one at RM45 for the perfect gift during this Christmas!

Here's my latest collection of diary planner. The leather is so well-protected that it comes in
a soft fabric cover lined with a drawstring of the same color with the diary.

 The gold metal zip adds a classy look towards the leather cover.
Currently in red and brown, both colours have got me torn in between =(

Let's open its clothes!

 The inside of the leather is a layer of felt fabric-like material,
with compartments for the name cards, pens and other small items.

With the planner, I believe my days in 2013 will be more organized, 
because it has a monthly planner from Jan till Dec, along with weekly planner in between.
Flipping through the pages, you'll see lots of inspiring stories from Starbucks.

 The monthly planner with a complete calendar.

Now that I know the proper way of brewing the perfect Starbucks Coffee!

Thank You Starbucks for the 15 years of awesomeness! :)


  1. OMG! this year's planner look so pretty!!!

  2. I love the red one!! The zipper design is really good, can ensure that stuff doesn't fall out even if u drop it. XD

  3. Red one looks awesome! 2013 planner looks way better than the 2012 one!

  4. Looks nice la! Really a good business tactic, hehe..

  5. Looks lovely! A good deal too with 15 Starbucks beverages...

  6. Hey guys you may want to check out the cute Starbucks Coffee Korea 2013 Planners :)
    Google : Jegs' planners

  7. so fast you've already completed 15 drinks!
    This year's planner indeed more nicer then last year...

  8. many of starbucks fanatic was dying to get those

  9. anyone wanted to sell it to me? its really hard to get it... >.<

  10. I want it!anyone can sell it to me Pls :(


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