12 December, 2012

JinnyboyTV LIVE at KDU University College, Damansara Jaya Campus

If you're a Youtube addict like me, surely you've heard of the famous Malaysian Youtube star- JinnyboyTV

Oppa KL Style by JinnyboyTV

Even if you have not, you'll definitely recognize them after watching this viral video-
a parody of Spy's Oppa Gangnam Style that gained over 4 million views on Youtube!

Special thanks to Nuffnang and KDU University College, I get to meet and greet the founders of JinnyboyTV during KDU Registration WeekKDU gathers students from over 45 countries around the world, to provide strong foundation in character and knowledge to produce work-ready graduates. 

Holding strong on its mission portrayed in their tagline 'Driving Dreams', KDU makes an ideal learning organization for all ages. The registration weeks of KDU, Damansara Jaya Campus starts from 
1st December to 23rd December 2012, with fantastic offers for students who enrol in this period:

 RM1000 tuition fee waiver (only on 8th, 9th, 15th and 16th Dec 2012). 
RM300 registration fee waiver and RM500 for recommending a friend.

There we were, with JinnyboyTV producers and the host of the day. The interview session with them 
was filled with laughters as they cracked lots of jokes. Definitely not a one-way live show, 
because the audience, too, got to ask them questions and uncover their biggest secrets in life! 

JinnyboyTV was initiated by Jin Lim and Reuben Kang, both aimed to share the stories revolving around 
them via Youtube. They had never expected their videos to go that viral. Within a one short year of 2012, 
JinnyboyTV now has over 105,000 subcribers on Youtube, with more than 17 million total views!

 Lucky you, the great fans of JinnyboyTV there! Those who knew their videos from A to Z
managed to walk away with loads of merchandises sponsored by KDU.

Jin, the mastermind, is a former member of a band, and currently a DJ in Hitz.fm, 
hosting Hitz Live from 8pm to 12midnight on weeknights.

 And Reuben. Despite of all the teasing Jin made on him,
I realised being in his size has a major advantage- He looks really young in person!

They're currently working on the latest video “Asians At Work”, featuring Greyson Chance!
Can't wait for this video that talks about #instagram #food #asiansatwork

Let's enjoy the latest Youtube uploaded video from JinnyboyTV--- "101 Excuses"!
 P/S: This is so Malaysian :P

When the event came to an end, everyone still remained on their seats. Why?
Coz’ nobody would leave without an autograph from Jinnyboy!

Proceeded to the autograph session.....

Look what's Jin has drawn on top of Reuben's head.
Not to forget, JinnyboyTV has their exclusive Abuden band on sale during their events. 
Comes in white colour, the cartoon faces of Jin and Reuben look so cuteee!

Lastly, here's the group picture of the day =)

FIND JINNYBOYTV On The Social Networking Sites:
Official Website:  www.jinnyboytv.com



This is a sponsored post from Nuffnang.


  1. Wow! cool! I super love their 'Unfold' part I and II, thats how I get to know them anyway.. Hehe.. Jin is a DJ? That's new to me.. And That 'Abuden' band is seriously cute wey.. Hope I can get one too.. :( ;p

  2. haha they have their version of oppa gangnam style huh

  3. For sure, I really love to watch their videos especially Unfold. awwww

  4. so lucky to meet them! i know them frm "my generasi" video and they're so talented.lol.

  5. I like listening to Jin and Ryan on Hitz. It's especially funny when Ryan always makes fun of Jin's hair. hahah

  6. How lucky that you met them :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  7. Like to watch their clippings. Very funny and entertaining. ;-)


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