19 March, 2013

KDU Dato CQ Teo Debate Challenge 2013

#1 KDU Dato' CQ Teo Debate Challenge 2013

It is the ninth time of Dato' CQ Teo Debate Challenge held in KDU University College. On 15 March 2013, marking the first day of the Challenge, the young and talented debaters from 58 schools turned up for this event which was supported and run by the KDU Debate Association (KDUDA).

#2 One of the Debaters from SMK Assunta during Semi-Finals

After rounds of stiff competitions, the debate challenge was left with 4 strong teams who managed to enter the semi finals on 17 March 2013. It was actually my first time being an audience for a debate competition, and I felt the hype when the crowd shouted, hit on their tables and cheered whenever they agreed on the debater's opinion.

#3 The Symbol of Victory

It was the most prestigious Inter-school Debating Competition. As the requirements were high, of course we expected quality debating. Congratulations to the girls from Tunku Kurshiah College (TKC) and SMK Assunta for making it to the grand finals! But who would be winning away the trophies for best debater awards as well as the best debate team award?

#4 Light Refreshments

It was also my first experience in KDU to be seated in one of the VIP tables along with the friends of media. Before proceeding to the most exciting round of debate, we filled our stomach with some local delicacies and teh tarik.
#5 How The Speakers Gain Their Scores

 The grand finals for the Challenge 2013 was the first ever all-girls debate! Given 3 interesting topics for the final debate, the two teams were required to choose one. The adjudication sheet displayed the essential criteria that would determine the grand winner of the Challenge.

#6 Team Represents Government

Starting off the debate was the girls from Tunku Kurshiah College (TKC) who represented the Government side, strongly agreeing on the proposal issued by the government. The interesting topic aroused the young crowd's participation.

#7 Debater from TKC

One of the debater who was very talented! And guess what, she is only 17.

#8 Team Represents Opposition

Standing on the opposing side was the girls from SMK Assunta. They, too, had their say in this topic. They supposed to oppose the proposal by the government and countered the opinions by the TKC debaters.

The way she debated was really admirable!

#9 Prize Giving Ceremony 

Comprising of 3 speakers in a team, the speakers spent approximately 7 minutes each to debate on their points and convince the panel judges that their point of views were valid and should gain acceptance from them as well.
The champion of this Challenge would walk away with the huge challenge trophy, and RM3000 cash prize! While the runner up would be awarded with a shiny gold trophy each and RM2000 for the team.

*Drum Rolls*

#10 Top 10 Speakers Award

The final debate took around 45 minutes before we came to the climax of the event--- the prize giving ceremony, starting with the awards for the top 10 debaters from various schools.

 #11 Debate Challenge 2013 Champion - TKC

And the champion went to our Muslim friends from Tunku Kurshiah College, Negeri Sembilan--- Ira Zalis Ismail, Ilmira Murni Mohd Hareeff and Marina Mohd Hamdan. Congratulations to the bright team, their performance throughout the debate was amazing, and now their hard work had finally paid off!

#12 Best Speaker Award - Ilmira Murni Mohd Hareeff

The best speaker award was reaped by the petite girl, from the winning team of TKC. Besides a certificate of achievement and gold trophy, she was awarded RM500 cash. In conjunction to KDU's 30th Anniversary, KDU was proud to add on a 3 days 2 night holiday package for this award as well!

 #13 Debate Challenge 2013 Runner-Up -SMK Assunta

Not to forget, the girls from SMK Assunta, Petaling Jaya also did a great job during the debate. Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Khong Yoon Loong, Vice Chancellor of KDU for the award presenting ceremony.

It was indeed a successful event and once again, 
congratulations to both teams from Tunku Kurshiah College and SMK Assunta!

Hope to see you guys there for the next Debate Challenge 2014! :)


  1. wow it was such a great event,
    congratulations for the winner

  2. Debating is a great skill to develop.

  3. good morning sweety, how are u.. hope u are well... have a nice day ahead and remained blessed as always :)

  4. This was an unfortunate choice of motion. The process of selecting a pope is not due to some administrative convenience, it is based on the concepts of apostolic succession and how within the circle of the Church's leaders, one among their number would be elected by their peers. It is insensitive and ignorant to put this up for debate.

  5. Indeed the choice of motion is inappropriate. Surely the whole of Malaysia and the Muslim world would be in violent protests if a topic concerning Islam is motioned. The organising committee is obviously not the least bit bothered about the sensitivites of other religions in this case.


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