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28 June, 2013

Ramadhan Buka Puasa @ Impiana KLCC Hotel Kuala Lumpur

My third stop for Ramadhan feast of the year was Tonka Bean Cafe, the all-day buffet dining restaurant of Impiana KLCC Hotel, located at the golden triangle of Kuala Lumpur (around 5 mins walk from KLCC).

Be sure to spend this Ramadan with your loved ones and break fast over 
amazing mouth-watering traditional Malay delights that satisfy your craving!

Adjacent to Ascott Residence and Marc Residence, you can easily notice Tonka Bean Cafe at Impiana KLCC by the roadside. The cozy and comfy ambiance makes an ideal venue for a casual dinner or family gathering.

#1 Interior of Tonka Bean Cafe

#2 Kerabu Sosej 

To begin the feast of the evening, there are loads of appetite-inducing concoctions such as Kerabu sotong, kerabu kacang panjang, prawns coleslaw with raisin, spring roll, acar timun,  papadom and mint-tomato yoghurt.

#3 Kerabu Ayam

#4 Kerabu Mangga

#5 Tauhu Bakar

Besides Kerabu, the local appetizers available include Belinjau, acar buah, tempe goreng Jawa, telur masin and ikan masin. The Ramadhan menu is rotated daily, so I didn't manage to try all of them. But the tauhu bakar is really good with sweet peanut sauce! 

#6 Rojak Buah

Mangga muda, betik muda, jambu air, jambu batu, sengkuang, 
timun dengan kuah rojak and kacang tumbuk

#7 Serve your boiled vegetables and condiments with 
the signature Indonesia Pecal with Peanut Sauce as well as other condiments including:

Sambal belacan, sambal tempoyak, sambal nyiur, 
cencaluk, sambal kicap, budu, Thai chilli sauce

#8 Smoked Chicken Breast

Moving on to the western cold appetizer selection which is always my favourite on a buffet, we had assorted cold cuts, sausages and pickles with garden green salad bowl.

#9 Smoked Salmon 

#10 Salmon Gravlax (Raw Spiced Salmon)

#11 Fresh Sashimi

#121 Fresh Seafood on Ice-- Mussel, Prawn, Oyster

#13 Fresh Crab 

#14 Garden Green Salad with Condiments

#15 My Version of Salad: Salmon, Pecan & Red Bean 

Weird? But I love the combination of fresh salmon with crunchy pecans and naturally sweet red bean that gave me a balance of nutrients with delicious taste.

When it comes to the selection of local delights, it is always the crowd's favourite. I guess you want to fill your growling stomach with something hot and comforting right?

#16 Gulai Telur Itik dengan Belimbing Buluh (Duck Egg in Coconut Gravy)

#17 From top left (Clockwise):
Ikan Bawal Masak Siam
Ayam Goreng Belacan
Daging Kawah
Nasi Tomato

#18 Hot From The Kitchen!

#19 Salted Prawn

#20 Chilli Crab

#21 Noodle Station

Curry Laksa, Penang Laksa, Mee Soto, Mee Rebus with Condiments
Fried Noodles-- Mee Mamak, Char Kuey Teow 

#22 Carvery Station- BBQ Lamb

Of course the feast will not be complete without this BBQ Lamb 
paired with a choice of black pepper sauce or mint sauce. 

#23 Beef and Chicken Satay 

There are more live cooking stations along the buffet line-- Chicken Shawarma and Pita Bread, Seafood Parcel (Ikan Bakar with Bumbu Spice, Keli, Squid).

#24 Pizza

For a twist of flavour, you may hook on the freshly baked Italian pizza, or the Japanese's popular Tempura with Soy Sauce and White Radish as well as the local favourite Cucur Udang, Cucur Sayur, Keropok Lekor and Keropok Ikan

#25 Apam Balik

This Ramadhan, I believe Tonka Bean Cafe has gathered all sorts of local delicacies that bring out the true flavours of Malaysia. Besides the sweet and light apam balik, the chef also prepares Roti John, Roti Canai with Dhall, Murtabak with Pickled Chilli and Chicken Curry

#26 Ais Kacang with Condiments 

#27 Local Kuih Muih

Bingka Ubi, Seri Muka, Kuih Kole Kacang, Ketayap, Cucur Badak, Dodol, 
Wajik, Talam Jagung, Onde-onde, Kaswi,Bahulu, Kuih Lompang

#28 Indonesian Layer Cake and Mazola Peanut Bscuit

#29 Pengat Pisang

#30 Young Coconut 

And not forgetting local farm fruits like durian, manggis, rambutan, pisang emas, langsat, nangka and cempedak to be enjoyed only at Impiana KLCC Hotel!

#31 DURIAN!!

Durians are always inhibited in hotels, but here in Impiana KLCC, you can have as much as you want! I believe the quality of durian here is really good, as I get myself indulged in the smooth creamy flesh. I love the sweet bitter taste to bits! 

#32 Bread and Butter Pudding

#33 Cream Caramel 

#34 Chocolate Fountain

#35 From top left (Clockwise):
Chocolate Mousse,
Coffee Cake,
Carrot Cake,
Strawberry Cream Tart


On the sweet side, the highlight here is definitely the 18 flavours of Baskin Robbins Ice Cream! The wide selection will definitely leave you spoilt for choice this fasting month.

#37 My Ice Cream Portion: 
Very Berry Strawberry & Mocha with Chocolate Chips

Impiana KLCC Hotel is strategically located within the vicinity of the majestic PETRONAS Twin Towers and the ultra-modern Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, and centrally-positioned amidst the city’s entertainment, shopping and business hub. 

Santapan Ramadhan (10 July 2013 to 7 August 2013)
Time: 6.30pm - 10.00pm

RM108++ per adult 
 RM54++ per child & senior citizan
Kids below 6 dine for free.
First 3 days & last 3 days of Ramadhan: RM98++ per person

1. Room service Sahur Set Menu is available from 3am - 5.30am daily at RM33++ per person.
2. Spacious prayer rooms (Surau) are available at Lobby and Level 1
3. For 20% off on Ramadhan buffet dinner, get your coupon in Vol 18 issue of Ratu Sehari the leading bridal magazine this month!
4. For reservations, please call +603-2147 1111, extension 3034 or 3035 

Tonka Bean Cafe
Lobby Level,
Impiana Hotel KLCC,
13, Jalan Pinang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur.
Contact: 603-2147 1111, extension 3034 or 3035 


  1. wow..the presentation is very pretty. And congrats with the new domain. =)

  2. that's a very colorful, yummy buffet i really like the presentation of each dish

  3. Your reviews are amazing! The photos tell so much!
    Thanks ohfishiee!


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