11 October, 2013

Rhythm of The Rain Gala Premiere 《聽見下雨的聲音》马来西亚首映會


Special thanks to Daphne for two exclusive passes of "Rhythm of The Rain" red carpet event and gala premiere screening at GSC Pavilion, where I get to meet the Taiwanese celebrities and many local artists.

"Rhythm of The Rain" is a Taiwanese movie, directed by the talented lyricist, Vincent Fang 方文山. 
If you do not know, he has written uncountable lyrics for famous Taiwanese pop artist such as Jay Chou.

...while waiting for the artists to appear on stage

Free flow of Chatime Signature Roasted Milk Tea, Plum Iced Tea, Winter Melon Tea and Grass Jelly Tea!!

Waited for an hour, and the stars finally appeared...

First to come up on stage was Queen 魏如昀, the singer of the theme song 《聽見下雨的聲音》

She is one of the rock band members in the movie, named Vicky. (second, from left)

...and the loudest cheer was of course given to the main cast of the movie,
Alan 柯有倫(阿倫 ), Ginnie 韓雨潔(雨婕) and Vivian 徐若瑄(Sharon)


In the movie, Alan said that Ginnie is very pretty. True indeed, when I see her from near, her complexion is like flawless. So slim, innocent and young. Ginnie's demure look had certainly become the centre of attention!



Vivian Hsu acts as Sharon in the movie, who is Alan's ex-lover and former guitarist of his rock band.
But still she has plenty of love scenes with Alan in the drama although he already has new girlfriend.


Although the main cast were all present for the gala premiere, it wouldn't be complete without the presence of the mastermind behind this awesome production, Vincent Fang. I really admire his talent of composing the lyrics for the theme song, and all the literature work in the movie.

Oh one thing I love about the movie is the use of poems to express the feelings. He touches alot on Chinese culture and literature (which sounds very academic, but NO. It's really interesting!) 


Alan, the vocalist of the band in the movie, looks more matured in real person. 
And he performed some rapping live on stage! 看了这部戏的人会觉得超有feel的!

 魏如昀 现场演唱《聽見下雨的聲音》,好聽到爆!

And the most exciting part is the live singing by Queen without music. Super nice! This song was played as background for the past hour before the gala premiere began, and I was already in love with it! Just can't stop listening to this sentimental song ♥ Especially when it's raining outside...

Here's the best group picture I can get. Too many cameras and hands on top of me :( 


A romantic movie about the triangular love, dream, courage and determination in life. 

一个下着雨的夏末,热爱音乐的乐团“给一个说法吧”主唱阿伦(柯有伦 饰)在市集中汉服摊位遇到美丽的大学生雨婕(韩雨洁 饰),雨婕清新脱俗的气质让阿伦一眼就烙在心中,那股气息令阿伦想起那段大学时期最美丽的遗憾——Sharon(徐若瑄 饰)。

Can she forget her boyfriend who left 5 years ago? 

Can she let go of her past? 

Will she choose the good guy who spent years to stay supportive by her side?

Or will she choose a guy whom she can't understand his feelings and music?

And can Alan let go of his beautiful memories with his ex?




  1. So is the song that they played Rhythm of the Rain? The classic English song? :)

  2. Seem like a nice movie thou! Fishie! :D

  3. OhFish ! I must say this is a very good presentation by you the subject !


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