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04 May, 2014

Nuffnang Featured Blogger May 2014

May has begun with a pleasant surprise from Nuffnang!
Here's my article for the featured blogger of the month, and you can read it on Nuffnang website too :)
Hi! This is FiSh who lives in her ocean at I’m currently pursuing an accounting degree under scholarship, and doing my internship as an auditor. My field of study may make me sound geek, but blogging has painted my life really colorful! 

Apparently this blog is not something fishy (Don’t worry!), 
in fact it is rather awesome because it now becomes the featured blog of the month! ;P

 “So why did you call yourself a fish?”, they asked.
(Because obviously I do not have big eye, duh!) 

Well, I’ve been getting the same question for 90275831 times, so now let me solve the puzzle in your mind! Let’s rewind to 22 years old, my parents gave this baby girl a name with initials of FSH. It took 15 years until this teenage girl had an idea of adding an “i” into the initials to form a “FiSH”, and she has been using this name since then. 

Here are some of the gadgets I can’t live without. Since young, I have developed a strong passion towards photography. And flip-screen camera is a must so that you wouldn’t forget how I look like! :P I picked up blogging since 2010 and my blog serves as a digital diary which I think I’d laugh at myself when I read about it 20 years later. 

Sponsored trip to Singapore and I met bloggers from different countries! 

Blogging, to me, is indeed a valuable adventure. I didn’t know blogging can be a lucrative business until I met Nuffnang. I swear I leapt in joy when I earned my very first RM1 from Nuffnang. Well, money is good, but I’ve come to realize that friendships are the most precious assets in life. 

Some of the films and photographs which I treasure a lot :) 

I love instant prints! These are great memories of me making friends with bloggers, Nuffies, clients, PRs, brand personnels and even random kids during events. Despite of the long hours of facing computer and hectic days of attending events, blogging is rewarding when I get unconditional support from my readers I remembered the first time being approached by a reader in public and I was on cloud nine for days afterward. 

All thanks to Nuffnang, I was given the opportunities to attend exclusive events
and meet the top bloggers in Malaysia… 

Dessert is always my soft spot when it comes to food. 

The first time I started meeting people in the blogosphere was during food reviews in 2012. In fact, I have been actively attending food reviews since then, and people labeled me as a food blogger. If you’re looking for good food in town, come visit my blog! 

If you have been following me on Instagram, you’d know I love spending my spare time on food styling too! 

My blog doesn’t only focus on food, but also on beauty and fashion as well! Just like any other girl out there, I am also a beauty junkie but I rarely put on heavy make-ups. I love organizing the miniatures into boxes, while the rest are arranged in my beauty wardrobe. 90% of my contact lenses, perfume, skincare and makeup collections come from the generous sponsors I met through blogging. Thank you so much! 

My weekly dose of #OOTD on Instagram. 

And I’m honored to be featured in Seventeen magazine in 2011 :) 

Last but not least, I’d like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Nuffnang for the pleasant journey and the opportunity to be featured here as Blogger of the Month May 2014. It marks a great milestone in my blogging journey and I still can’t believe that I’m HERE today! 

Once again, THANK YOU Nuffnang, lovely readers and friends for so much of love! 
Feel free to comment on my blog, and I promise I’ll improve to be a better blogger. 

If you haven’t show me your support, feel free to do so now hahaha. 

Instagram: @ohfishiee
Twitter: @ohfishiee


  1. Congratulations for being featured as blogger of the month. You are one great blogger =)

  2. great blog!! no wonder they choose you as a featured blogger of the month.. congratulations from me. keep it up, girl! ;)

  3. Nice one Fishieee =D GOod to see you as featured blogger of May 2014! Saw you are very hardworking on blogging and always love your food styling photos on instagram. Keep on inspire us!

  4. congratulation. keep on writing. nice blog.

  5. Saw u liked my post on insta n found ur blog link on insta.
    Nice blog n I enjoy reading ur post ;)
    For sure mz follow now ;)

  6. Congratulations,wow! lots of camera gadget.


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