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27 November, 2015

Experience the Power of Scent with Kleenex!

Will you ever feel happier when things around you are scented,
exuding beautiful aroma that soothes the soul?  Well, I do! 

No, this is not just for female. When something smells good, be it your freshly-washed laundry, baked cookies, or blooming flowers, I am sure that the wonderful scents certainly bring some sorts of positive energy to us.

Kleenex® knows exactly what we want, and hence introduces a new way to enjoy its softness, infusing rose essential oil or cherry blossom fragrance into its first Kleenex® 3-Ply Scented Facial Tissues for an absolutely delightful and uplifting user experience.

The moment I receive this gift from Kleenex, the floral scent is rushing out from the parcel even before I open it!

Something floral to cheer up my day :)

 The moment the rosy scent starts to fill the space, it feels like heaven!

Plus, Kleenex's 3-ply tissue is of very good quality in terms of thickness!

Don't worry about getting the sweet type of rosy scent in the tissue;
The scent is just beautiful and light enough to make us feel more refreshed and happier.
That's why I am currently having it in my car! 

And another box at home too!
A simple sheet of tissue can lift your spirits and crave a smile on your family :)

Soft, smooth and beautiful 

Wanna try it? Grab a sample here: and
share the joy on social media with the hashtag #KleenexPowerofScent.

Currently available in 
Box packs (RM10.30 for 4 packs of 74 sheets / RM14.55 for 4 packs of 114 sheets)
and Soft packs (RM5.35 for four packs of 46 sheets).

For more information on Kleenex®, visit Kleenex® Malaysia Facebook page or
call the Kimberly-Clark Consumer Care-line at 1-800-82-1188 (toll-free) on weekdays (9am-5pm).


  1. I just love the scents of these.... they are soooo pleasant and relaxing....a little pick me up when feeling blue

  2. How can you not love tissues which smells like flowers? I hope they come up with more scents :D

  3. The bouquet is so pretty! made by tissue! And tissue has always been one of the most important thing to be with me no matter where I go. And I love Kleenex tissue in specific. Plus the nice smelling. Aaa, guess I'm falling in love harder.

  4. Masa zaman sekolah dulu. Memang feveret beli tisu wangi. Tapi bukan jenama KLEENEX tu. Hehehe. Saje2 beli supaya dalam bag bau wangi dan kalau nak bagi orang tisu pun mereka selesa. Tapi kalau yang ada alahan dengan wangian better not bagi tisu. Buat dia bersin je. Hahaha.

  5. Masa zaman sekolah dulu. Memang feveret beli tisu wangi. Tapi bukan jenama KLEENEX tu. Hehehe. Saje2 beli supaya dalam bag bau wangi dan kalau nak bagi orang tisu pun mereka selesa. Tapi kalau yang ada alahan dengan wangian better not bagi tisu. Buat dia bersin je. Hahaha.

  6. Love the rose made from the tissue. Will try to made for my Little Angels too.

  7. i'm kleenex user. i should try this series too!

  8. i also enjoy smell good tissues/ wet tissues too :) am gonna try this new smell good Kleenex!
    Cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  9. Wow, tissue paper can made those beautiful roses huh?! Nice one. Will try out.

  10. I never used Kleenex before~ I'm going to register for a trial pack and try the smell~

  11. I am a big user of this brand. love it

  12. I wonder how does tissue smell. Hahaha. I think if I get it, I would eat it. OMG >.<

  13. Wow... similar to scented wet wipes but this is dry tissue lolx... Not bad not bad...

  14. lovely flower bouquet. Kleenex is good when you have cold as compared to other brands, it is more soft.

  15. I'll need to get these based on your review. It is really not difficult to find tissue paper with a pleasant fragrance.

  16. Fish! I memang jenis kena pakai tusi wangi. Even tisu dlm handbag pun wangi. Haha. Kleenex tisu smell really good kan :)

  17. wow! quite cheap huh! can purchase it already <3

  18. Not really a fan of scented tissues because it can be quite nauseating but will check this brand out. Nice tissue flowers!

  19. Kleenex isn't cheap for me. But this sounds cheaper but with good quality! Gonna check it out in market..

  20. walauwei. so geng your origami tissue rose. Love kleenex, definitely a high quality tissue :D

  21. I have pass by the Kleenex roadshow at 1 utama shopping centre that day and their rose tissue just look so stunning, every girl is standing around there and want get one too.

  22. I also like to use klenex. Soft tissue and now they have this rose cherry blossom and make me smell nice.

  23. it smells so good right? i didn't believe scent can uplift my spirit until i smell this

  24. love the bouquet done made by tissue !
    Kleenex soft tissue is the 1st choice !

  25. I've been using Kleenex brand for quite some time, love so much their quality :)

  26. Haha quite an interesting idea roses made out of tissue ah, can use it after receiving it! Kleenex are good but they are pricey than others... haha i would buy when they are on promo

  27. yeah I like using this too, its a must have!
    Love the smell and being creative with flowers, kids love it.

  28. i can just imagine the sweet smell and fragrance that comes out the moment you open the package.. yumm

  29. Ah yes I found this in stores already and i sapu-ed some home :p Can't wait for the fresh smells in my car

  30. My mum love the new Kleenex that she made my dad and sisters put them inside their cars. Or was it because of the smell of the cars? Hehehe


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