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04 April, 2016

Daily Toughest Question: What To Eat Today?

Everyday in the office, the toughest question I always hear is “What to eat today?” Do you agree that it can be a headache to many people, whether you are in office or in school? But no worries, I’d just show them the OpenRice app on my phone and let them decide our lunch venue.

OpenRice is no longer a stranger among the foodies. Founded in Hong Kong since 1999, it is now the city's most popular online dining guide place where you can search for food articles, reviews, recipes and restaurants listing all under one roof.

To make things more convenient, I have installed the upgraded version of OpenRice app on my mobile so that I can search for food based on my current location.

Based on my personal experience, so far the app runs smoothly and the info is so comprehensive that I need some time to digest. Overall, here are some things that I like about it:

1. Easy searching of restaurants in just seconds

It is by far the most comprehensive gastronomical guide that I have seen. Hence, searching for good food is not an issue anymore! From the restaurant name, cuisine type, districts and more to filter from, I can easily find what really suits my taste. Dining ideas are abundant, so be warned that you will be spoilt with too many choices :P

You can search for my reviews on OpenRice (my username: ohfishiee), and also contribute your own!

2. Get latest updates on food and restaurant news

Wanna know what’s the latest trend in town? Just head to OpenRice and your question is answered. For me, I enjoy reading the delicious ‘Top 10’ food articles for different categories and try them one by one if I really like the food :P

3. Enjoy meal gathering!

I used to join OpenRice food reviews last time, but I wouldn’t have thought OpenRice has become so social friendly now that you can create food events and choose up to 4 restaurants of your choice, share it out through Whatsapp, Facebook or LINE and let them decide where does your guest fancy most to dine at!

Sounds so fun right? Hope to get invited and see you guys in the next foodie event!

4. Travel and enjoy the best food without boundaries!

Do you know that OpenRice is not only available in Malaysia but also across Asia including Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Thailand? It is coming very soon to those residing in Singapore, Indonesia and Japan. 

Hope to have opportunities travelling to these countries, and continue my food hunt with OpenRice there!

Let's win BIG!
Lastly, good news for you guys! Wanna win away smartphone, camera, iPad, smart watch and laptop?

From 1 to 12 April 2016, download OpenRice latest mobile APP and stay tuned to OpenRice Malaysia Contest Page ( for daily task and mission and stand a chance to win fantastic prizes!

Keep stalking OpenRice for more updates!


  1. Such a nice app.. No need to worry about where to dine liao.. Great!

  2. so cute one the app. wanna try it out jo

  3. Waahhhh can win prizes??? I want to try lah!!!!!

  4. It is so convenient to find delicious food. I really need this coz' save my times searching for the best food to eat.

  5. openrice, i want all those good food. Gimme gimme gimme :P

  6. always got this problem when come to lunch time!
    thanks god, now got open rice

  7. Yup, I got this app on my mobile also, its handy when searching for food.

  8. nice app good solution when you don't know what to eat..


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