30 October, 2016

You Are A Miracle, So Count Your Blessings!

Everyday, on Facebook, surely we'd see people around us complaining about their daily life-- be it the traffic jam, or the slow internet-- Well, it can be almost....anything in life! But have we ever put our shoes into the less fortunate ones who have been staying strong and positive in life? For instance, those who have disability yet are able to live like a normal person.

Be grateful for what you have; Make your blessings count!

Recently I've been reading a lot of inspiring stories, and one of them that I'd love to share is about a girl, Nurul Ashikin, or lovingly known as Shikin. She is naturally born with hearing impairment and talking difficulty, but her family has never given up on her. Their determination has proven that miracle does happen.

Shikin, the youngest in her family.

At the age of 1, Shikin's abnormality was discovered as she hadn't started talking like other infants. To me, it was really heart-breaking to hear that a little girl, aged 5, had to undergo a potential cochlear implant but most specialists mentioned it was too late. She had considered hearing aids but the results were not promising.

Thank God for listening to her family's prayer, they met Dr. Arasa from Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur who gave her a life-changing opportunity. He suggested applying for the Khazanah-IHH Healthcare Fund in view of their financial constraint.

 This fund is not just for people with hearing disability, 
but also for anyone who has medical complications!

It helps provide partial or fully sponsored medical treatment to needy patients in Malaysia, Singapore and Turkey. Since 2012, the Fund allocated RM50 million for use over a period of 5 years, until 2017. While Malaysian patients have been allocated to utilise 70% of the Fund, the remaining 30% is catered to help patients in Singapore and Turkey.

Shikin (in blue scarf) and her beloved family were enjoying the sweet melody of birds chirping.

Thanks to this fund, Shikin has successfully undergone the operation last year. Imagine a child being able to speak and hear her beloved family's voice once she wakes up from her dream. The world has certainly changed in her eyes!

It is an astonishing statistic to know that the Khazanah-IHH Healthcare Fund has extended help to some 1,000 people in Malaysia to date. Sharing is caring. If you believe in the Fund's tagline, "Restoring Health, Changing Lives", then please spread the words. Who knows if you might be a life changer of someone in this world?

Any inspiring story to share with me? Feel free to leave a comment below!

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