09 November, 2016

Bale Udang Mang Engking Restaurant, Ubud @ Bali, Indonesia

Following my travelogue update on Ubud discovery trip, here's Part 3! 

Bale Udang Mang Engking
Jalan Raya Goa Gajah, Peliatan, Ubud,
Gianyar, Bali 80571, Indonesia
Phone: +62 361 978754
Bale Udang is a traditional Balinese restaurant in Ubud which has an amazing landscape for diners to enjoy the sumptuous local dishes along with the best of nature. It divides its dining areas into multiple huts (for better privacy), all set above the beautiful lake. 

 The moment I step into this place, I am totally blown by the picturesque scenery!

 Seriously, my heart is already half-satisfied before the food even arrives!

 Although the weather is super hot and sunny out there,
I am surprised that sitting under the hut is actually quite windy and enjoyable.

 The Balinese staff is serving us with lots of good food!

A completely local menu for lunch: White rice, Stir-fried Kangkung, Fried Fish Fillets,
Ayam Goreng Berempah, Gado-gado, Tempe, Tauhu Bakar, fruits and some spicy condiments

 The fried chicken, topped with sweet coconut floss is amazingly succulent and rich in aroma.


After numerous experience of having mimicked version of Indonesian Gado-gado, finally I get to try the real one here. It is a deliciously comforting Indonesian salad served with crunchy prawn crackers and incredible homemade peanut dressing that makes this dish a winner. Definitely my favourite!

Same goes to the Tempe; How can local food be so good? The fermented soybean cake is so crunchy!

After meal, you can take your own sweet time there to relax and feed the fishes in the pond.
Amazing place, right?

Even the washroom is so tastefully designed to fit the local theme.

If you happen to be in Ubud, don't forget to drop by Bale Udang restaurant
for the best of seafood and local dishes under natural ambiance.

Lots of love,


  1. You are actually dip your feet in the water below? o.O

  2. yeah lo! do you actually dip your feet in the water? got fish spa?? hahaha

    Ultimate Guide to Krabi


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