31 December, 2016

Another Step into 2017!

HELLO 2017!  Seriously, how can one year pass so quickly? One thing I really love about having a blog over all these years is that I can always do a flashback on what has happened all these while. And when I look back at my 2016 online diary, it feels like things have changed so much this year. 

I have done the review of the year for the past two years. And I guess it has become a habit for me to summarize the year in one blog post.

Now...let's begin with my summarized journey in 2016! 

January: The first month of the year always begins with lots of Yee Sang (Prosperity Toss)
and Poon Choi (Treasure Pot) to usher in the year of Monkey! (Blogged: HERE)

February: It's Chinese New Year! This year is extra memorable because it's my year....and....
we had our annual family trip to Jenjarom for the light carnival there. (Blogged: HERE

March: This month marks the new beginning of my career life. It has been a roller coaster journey before I settle down at the current company now. Am unsure if this is really something for me, but one thing for sure is, I met lots of amazing people at work whom I adore very much. 

April: First company trip to Malacca! Some of the nicest people I met there have left the company :(
and I hope we cross our path again.

May: Had my first Langkawi trip with AirAsia for Langkawi International Laksa Carnival
and we had so much fun playing water sports there too! (Blogged: HERE)

And had the second convocation of my life after my Bachelor Degree convocation in MMU.
Am finally done with ACCA now! (Blogged: HERE)

June: First night run with SHELL. (Blogged: HERE)

I realise I start falling in love with running after a couple of fun runs. Thank God for the strength,
I have completed 6 runs in total throughout the year. Hopefully there will be more in 2017!

July: First time watching Jolin Tsai's concert as a media guest. (Blogged: HERE)
我呸我PLAY! 蔡依林PLAY世界巡回演唱会-马来西亚站 很棒 很难忘哦!

August: Travelled to Penang for Fish Leong 梁静茹 Tu T’appelles L’amour 2016 World Tour -
Malaysia "你的名字是爱情" 世界巡回演唱会 - 马来西亚站 (Blogged: HERE)

Thank you PR and IMC Live Group for the awesome hospitality throughout the stay!

September: First time visiting Danang, Vietnam with AirAsia and Danang Tourism Board. My favourite is Bana Hills French Village, thanks for literally transporting me to France! (Blogged: HERE)

October: Sponsored trip to Desaru, Johor with Johor Tourism Board. (Blogged: HERE)

Also, in the same month, I went to Pulau Perhentian for a snorkelling trip with few close blogger friends, courtesy to BuBu Resort for the generous sponsorship. (Blogged: HERE)

November: My birthday month!! Truly blessed to have all of you with me. (Blogged: HERE)

December: Happiest month of the year. Managed to spend my Christmas week in Singapore and visited so many places there-- Universal Studios Singapore, Gardens by the Bay, Art Science Museum, Bugis, Little India, Serangoon, MacRitchie Reservoir, and more.

I have always had this wish of spending Christmas overseas, especially in countries where Christmas vibes were awesome. And now one item in my wishlist is checked! This 10-day break from work was fulfilling. Thanks for the memories, I had my best Christmas ever 

2016 has been a turning point of my life, from being a student cum blogger to a professional-to-be cum blogger. There were a lot of "first time"s for me this year and hopefully more to come next year. 

Am not going to write my 2017 resolutions, because what is meant to be will be. All I want for 2017 is good health, smooth career journey, long-lasting relationship and more opportunities to travel and see the outside world. 


2016对我人生改变了很多。从2015年尾的车祸开始我已经整年没驾车了。还记得2016一开始我常常会回想那些跟他在一起的日子 要是他想见我 我都会傻傻地跑去找他。而我每次找他的时候 他只会说忙 这句话“忙”我已经听到麻木了却不肯放弃。感谢你2015给我美好的生日 可是在2016里 我终于把你忘掉了 因为我终于发现我好像一直都在把自己困在回忆里 一直都不想活在当下。好像整年了你只会为了工作而和我联系。但没有关系,因为上两个星期看见了你和你家人 我就知道这一年来你过得很好。感谢你曾经出现在我的生活里。

2016年头(一二月)就无聊地过了可是那段日子很开心因为能享受当全职博主的快乐和自由。直到三月 终于开始去来社会工作 新工作 新环境 一开始一定会有不习惯嘛 而且还是做一些自己不熟悉的东子。幸好遇见一位跟自己聊得来的同事 但最近她已离职了。真的很怀念跟她一起每天嘻嘻哈哈的日子 也很希望以后可以再次跟她一起工作。

后来很快就来到四月了。因为一场戏和宵夜就跟另一个他走得很近。有时候缘分就是如此奇妙 往往都不在你预料当中。还记得自己好像已经认识他整5-6年了 而且还常见面 但话永远不多 因为当时我俩各有另一半了。2016年走在一起了以后 才发现自己想要的不只是一种陪伴 而是依靠。这9个月来 当然 我偶尔都会对他发脾气 有时候会觉得为什么他好像不够前任好 因为前任会无条件地把我当作公主一样宠。我特别不喜欢听他的话 不喜欢他把自己排在第一位 可是日子久了 我才发现原来当公主不是真正的快乐 因为在他身旁我可以当个孩子。当孩子的感觉还真不错哦 可以闹一下就没事了 可以收到小礼物时变得特别开心特别兴奋 可以真正把自己放松 依赖他。

大概8-9月的时候我真的觉得非常非常累 很想放弃现在的生活 去做我想要做的事情。几乎每天都过得很不开心 每晚都是泪水陪着我入睡。一个人在外面打两份工真的很不容易 常常累到每天只能睡3小时。可是每次跟他诉苦的时候 看见他静静地看着我然后让我在他胸膛里哭到饱的感觉其实很暖。有时候真的很佩服他的耐心 永远不会对我发脾气 最多也是闹孩子气而已。感谢上天让我遇见一个能这么容忍我的人。

2016年里真的经历了很多人生的第一次。希望以后和你会有更多的第一次!可是这段日子我俩都很低调 我从来不会在别人面前提起他 更加不会在网络上po两人的照片show甜蜜之类的。说实话去年24岁的我曾经很想为了结婚而谈恋爱 可是目前我还没遇见那位结婚对象。可是这一年来我学习了 其实一切条件都不重要 因为条件好不代表他对你好 不代表他愿意陪你走到最后。在你眼前的那个人可能不是你理想的那一款 可是只要在一起开心就好。


Anyway, wishing you Happy 2017 and thank you for your
support to www.ohfishiee.com throughout the years!! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Charmaine, happy New Year to you and April too!!

  2. Happy New Year babe! <3


    1. Dear JasJas, Happy New Year and have a great year ahead!


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