01 December, 2016

Hello Kitty House in Nusajaya, Johor

Welcome to my house! Opps...I mean Hello Kitty's home.

Following my experience at Hello Kitty in Oz attraction, I also get to explore Hello Kitty House located within the Sanrio Hello Kitty Town in Johor.

Despite being the first Hello Kitty theme park outside of Japan, the details here are pretty much similar to what you expect in a Hello Kitty dreamland. It consists of various walk-through attractions, interactive activities and rides in Hello Kitty theme. 

For instance, puzzle-solving activities there use computer and sensor technology to provide interactive experiences for both young and old.

Inside Hello Kitty's house.....the beautiful pastel pink door leads you from one magical room to another.

The iconic Kitty House is totally a must visit for all girly girls! It is divided into 6 sections: Living Room, Kitchen, Bathroom, Kitty's Room, Secret Closet and Mimmy's Room.

Kitty's Dining Room in Elegant White

Kitty's Kitchen; Look at those cute utensils!

Kitty's Bathroom; I am impressed that every little detail is so well taken care of!

Kitty's Bedroom; Can you lend me your bed for a day? 

Mimmy's Bedroom; Sleep like a king!

Mimmy's Dressing Table and Full-length Mirror; I'd wish to have them in my future house!

Kitty's Garden Area; Sorry Kitty, I don't mean to step onto your beautiful fence.

There is also a guided workshop where we can DIY our own Hello Kitty Pandora Box.
Seriously, this is cuteness overload! 

After some mini games, we head to Red Bow Cafe to check out the Hello Kitty themed drinks and pastries. They're just too cute to be eaten!!

Waffles, pancakes, macarons and beverages are just so in theme!

At the first floor, Cinnamaroll Cafe offers similar delectable and yummy food stuff too. I personally love this cafe more because of its colorful pastel theme that literally transports me back to childhood.

What not to be missed here is the Hello Kitty Souvenir Shop! 
You can basically find everything you want under one roof.

Dream Photo Garden where you can take pictures with Dear Daniel and Hello Kitty during certain hours.

This is the CHIO-est Kitty I've ever met! 

Spinning Tea Cups

Young children can experience Friendship Land with its playground, enjoy tea cup rides and have photo opportunities with Hello Kitty and Friends such as My Melody and more. To have an unforgettable birthday celebration, just book the Apple or Strawberry themed party rooms here! How awesome is that, right? Now I wish I'm 15 years younger...

We are still very young at heart 

Imma happy kid being in this dreamland! 

1. Overall, you can enjoy a fun-filled family day here if your kids are huge fans of Hello Kitty, and the  interactive stations at each area are pretty interesting for the young ones.
2. I personally find that the best part goes to the shopping! So many varieties of authentic and unique Sanrio merchandises are available there. 
3. Reason to visit: Amazing Hello Kitty experience, plus infectious happiness for the family and friends 

Sanrio Hello Kitty Town
Persiaran Puteri Selatan,
Puteri Harbour,
79000 Nusajaya,
Johor, Malaysia.
Operating Hours: 10am to 6pm daily
To purchase tickets, visit www.playtime.com.my


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    شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض مجربه
    فقط اتصل بنا وسنحصل علي كل ما هو جديد

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    شركة الاوائل توفر الوقت والمجهود والسعر ايضا لديه القدره علي الوصول الي افضل النتائج لكل رب بيت با اقل تكلفة
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    لاتجد اي اماكن متسخه وتعيش بمن امن وحتي البيوت الجديدة وازالة الاتربة والاوساخ وبقايا البوهيات والاخشاب واثار البناء وتعقيم المنزل جيدا وغسيل الدريش والابواب
    هل تود ان تقوم با اعمال النقل بدون خسارة اي وقت او اي مجهود اليك افضل الشركات التي تقدم الخدمة با اقل الاسعار وبا افضل طريقة عمالة مدربة قوية فنيون ماهة سيارات حديثة

  3. شركة نقل اثاث بمكة
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    وايضا تتواجد في


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    رش مبيدات قبل البناء
    رش مبيدات قبل صبة النظافة
    كيفية تنظيف المسابح من قبل شركة الاوائل اولا:
    1- القضاء علي الاتربة والاوساخ والتسربات من المسبح
    2- القضاء علي البكتريا والطحالب
    3- وجود اصفرار او رطوبه بالمسبح وحوائط المسبح
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    لابد من توافر افضل المواد المستخدمة بالمسبح


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