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17 October, 2017

ProductNation: No More Shopping Dilemma!

Shopping Dilemma ; How often do you face it?

I believe you and I have been through the time where we are indecisive especially when it comes to purchasing high value items or products that we are not familiar with. Well, I think that certain things require much consideration before committing, for instance buying a new mobile phone.

We research, find out and list down the best products that we are looking for. Not forgetting to make sure that these products can be found here in Malaysia instead of overseas too. Do you agree that this is a painstaking / time-consuming process? 

Luckily I have stumbled upon ProductNation recently and find it pretty useful. Instead of doing all the researches myself, I can have this website to help me with all the latest product reviews and roundups based on:

❤ Right prices
❤ Latest trends
❤ Consumer's favourites
❤ Timely review
❤ Product availability in Malaysia

You can call me lazy, but I love how ProductNation helps to "solve" my indecisiveness. For example, I am totally lost when it comes to choosing the right home appliances that fits into my daily needs. They have some of the best home appliances reviews in Malaysia, so I know where to get recommendations for microwave ovens, air purifiers and more.  

Unlike some price comparison sites, this one has a comprehensive brand and price listing while it gives a brief comparison of the key features of each product. Personally, I find it useful as a quick guide to roughly gauge what are available in the Malaysian market that fit our requirements and budget. 

Example of Tech Tips: 8 Best Gaming Laptops For Every Type of Gamer

Apart from household buys, the website also gives a couple of good tips / comparisons of gadgets, cars and beauty products. I am sure these are the things that revolve around our daily lives. Hope you find this website as useful as I do! 

Feel free to share with me if you have any thoughts :) 

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