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18 February, 2018

Takaful Motor Insurance Collaboration with 8excite

Happy Chinese New Year! Hope you have a safe travelling journey throughout this festive season!

Hi guys! Hope you guys have been having a great Chinese New Year celebration so far. Every time when it comes to festive seasons, it is important to remind our loved ones to travel safe especially during peak days where everyone flocks along the North-South highway. Well, sometimes road accidents are unavoidable, therefore we should also protect ourselves just in case. *touchwood*

How many of us have a motor insurance policy with Takaful Malaysia? Here's some good news for you guys: Takaful, the insurance provider is now having a collaboration with 8excite, the platform for deals and discounts in Malaysia.

Now, you can take advantage of this exciting deal to save up to 25% on your motor insurance with Takaful Malaysia -- You get to enjoy a 10% online discount plus another 15% cash back that will be paid to you at the end of the policy should there be no claims made during the coverage period.

Not only that, it is more convenient and hassle-free now to renew your car/motor insurance with Takaful via 8excite platform. At the same time, you also get to earn and accumulate 8excite’s points and redeem deals via 8excite platform.

This would definitely save up alot of time from consulting an insurance agent or making a trip to the insurance office. Yes, you are right, getting 24/7 accident protection has become so easy and affordable now.  

For more information, please take a look at the deal
Or visit and register to get a free quotation.
Kindly call 1-300 88 252 385 or email for inquiries.


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