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10 April, 2020

5 Hacks for Taking Proper Care of Oily Skin

Oily skin can be very challenging to deal with. People with oily skin often suffer from makeup slipping and sliding through the day, needed to be reapplied time and time again.

If you have an oily skin type, you may have run out of ideas, but have you considered changing your skincare regime? Face the challenge of oily skin head-on with our five hacks for taking proper care of oily skin.

1. Use Micellar Water to Cleanse Your Skin

Micellar water may be France’s best invention yet. Micellar water is filled with microscopic molecules called micelles. These tiny but powerful molecules are like magnets for dirt, grease, and grime and even old makeup. This water cleanses like no other product.

You don’t need to rinse or wash micellar water off either. By using a cotton pad, you can simply wipe it across your face and let it dry naturally. You will be amazed at how much grease and grime come off your face and are left on the pad.

2. Look for Products Designed for Oily Skin

If you know you have oily skin and are struggling to find a solution, you should look for products that can help your skin deal with oils and grease. You probably already choose hair care products that are designed for your hair type, so it makes sense that you do the same for your skin.

Whether you are choosing soap or makeup, you should look for products that suit your skin. If you are unsure, ask a skincare specialist.

3. Make Sure You Moisturize

Some people with oily or greasy skin make the mistake of thinking that they shouldn’t moisturize, but this is not the case.

Many moisturizers can actually help deal with oily skin and prevent pores from getting clogged with grease and oils from makeup. Moisturizers made from natural products like tea tree oil and olives can often help oily skin. Pure squalane oil is derived from olives and has a proven history of helping people with oily skin moisturize without making their skin greasy or clogging their pores.

4. Use a Face Mask as a Part of Your Beauty Regime

Face masks are a great way to cleanse and exfoliate, and there is now a huge range of face masks available and many are aimed at people with oily skin types.

Everyday dirt, grease, makeup, and oils can build up in your pores no matter how often, or well, you routinely cleanse your skin. Having a weekly or twice-weekly face mask is a great addition to your beauty regime that can give the skin on your face the deep cleanse it needs to fight excess oils and grease. Face masks that use clay, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil are great for removing dirt and impurities from oily skin and ‘mattifying’ the skin, leaving oily skin types feeling drier.

5. Use a Primer Before Applying Makeup

Many people with oily skin types notice their makeup slipping or sliding through the day. This is because the oils in their skin prevent their makeup adhering to their skin, and it literally slips off the surface as the oils in the skin expand.

By using a primer first, you create a dryer and smoother base to apply your makeup. The primer’s matte finish also helps reduce the presence of oil on the surface of the skin. Once you apply the primer you can then apply your makeup as normal, but all your hard work won’t be wasted later.

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Don’t let your oily skin get you down. With the right skincare approach, you can tackle your skin type and get cleaner, fresher feeling skin that holds its makeup in place all day, and through the night.

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